SetGroundFlyerMap() --Never used this one. The only code example is:
SetFlagGameplayType() --This is used in the old FakeConsole (commands starting with
FlagGamePlayType). It changes the hud to the different modes. I've never done much with figuring out the hud. If the huds have different names/labels then you might be able to use this to swap between custom huds. This function only affects your screen. Examples:
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ForceHumansOntoTeam1() --I thought the campaign mode used this to keep you on team 1, but I couldn't find it when searching for it. I thought I saw it in use somewhere...
SnapMapCamera() --This is used in the old FakeConsole (command
Snap Map Camera). I don't know what it does.
SetHistorical() --I haven't decided if I wanted to include this in the new FakeConsole. I haven't tested it yet, so I don't know what it does. The only code example is:
However, there is:
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SetHeroUnlockRule() --There are no code examples for this one. I assumed the same thing you did, thats its parameter would be the same as the command line argument value to change the hero unlock rules.