Minor Issue with Ship destructable.

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Minor Issue with Ship destructable.

Post by yodaminch »

So being the idiot I am, I accidentally deleted the cis bridge. It's all sorted now. But in the past when the bridge was destroyed, I could walk on it. Now, I FALL THROUGH. All the way out of the bottom of the ship. So obviously, I screwed something up. But I can't figure out what. Any help would be very much appreciated. Otherwise, I'm back to square one on my map. :(

RE: Minor Issue with Ship destructable.

Post by yodaminch »

Apparently its only a certain spot and it does it on any map so it wasn't an error on my part. So is there a way for me to make the bridge solid once its destroyed?

RE: Minor Issue with Ship destructable.

Post by Schizo »

My suggestion is to place a solid object underneath it, so it's not visible when the bridge is destroyed, but it'd stop units from actually falling through. Put like, a wall or something there. I'm not sure if it's possible to make the destroyed bridge an actual solid object. It's more or less just a model with no collision geometry.

RE: Minor Issue with Ship destructable.

Post by ^Destroyer^ »

It's a SWBF 2 bug, try in a normal space map if you have destroyed the brige you can fly in a part of the brige. If no brige, no floor there.

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