Speeder's tow cable

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Speeder's tow cable

Post by [RDH]Zerted »

I'm not understanding how these work. I see the latch points in the odf, but how does the weapon know when to blow up the AT-AT. If its hard coded in the game somewhere or is there a file about it I havn't been able to find.

Is it when its latched on to a certain amount of latch points?

Post by CCC-Ranger »

Hi Zerted

You have adding this line to you Common/scripts/ModIDg_con.lua ?

SetMemoryPoolSize("OrdnanceTowCable", 40) -- !!!! need +4 extra for wrapped/fallen cables !!!!
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Post by [RDH]Zerted »

No, I'm not having problems getting them to work (I haven't tried). I am wondering HOW they work. If I wanted to make it so you had to fly 6 times around the AT-AT to blow it up, what would I need to change?
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