1. Is it possible to make a Bacta Dispenser or an Ammo Dispenser instead of a Supply Dispenser with ammo and bacta? I wanted to have medics in my maps, and I can only do this if I can separate the two things. Instead, I have support classes which give both the ammo and bacta, which works fine, considering that it is the "support" class. However, I'd like to have a medic class. Anyone know how?
2. How do I make pistols have limited ammo? I somehow got the chaingun to have limited ammo, but I have gotten no success on the pistols. Here is my com_weap_inf_pistol.odf file:
Code: Select all
ClassLabel = "cannon"
ScoreForMedalsType = 0
MedalsTypeToLock = 0
AnimationBank = "pistol"
//************* TARGET & RANGE VALUES **********
TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"
TargetPerson = "1"
TargetAnimal = "1"
TargetDroid = "1"
TargetVehicle = "0"
TargetBuilding = "0"
MinRange = "0"
OptimalRange = "16"
MaxRange = "24"
LockOnRange = "40.0"
LockTime = "0.4"
LockOnAngle = "1.0"
ZoomMin = "2.5"
ZoomMax = "2.5"
ZoomRate = "0.0"
YawSpread = "0.4"
PitchSpread = "0.4"
SpreadPerShot = "1.1"
SpreadRecoverRate = "4.8"
SpreadThreshold = "1.6"
SpreadLimit = "6.0"
StandStillSpread = "0.0"
StandMoveSpread = "0.0"
CrouchStillSpread = "0.0"
CrouchMoveSpread = "0.0"
ProneStillSpread = "0.0"
ProneMoveSpread = "0.0"
//*********** WEAPON PERFORMANCE VALUES *********
RoundsPerClip = "0"
ReloadTime = "2.0"
ShotDelay = "0.2"
TriggerSingle = "1"
MaxPressedTime = "1"
DisplayRefire = "0"
SalvoCount = "1"
SalvoDelay = "0.0"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.0"
SalvoTime = "0.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire"
//*********** HUD & CONTROLLER VALUES *********
MuzzleFlash = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor = "255 80 80 255"
FlashLength = 0.025
FlashLightColor = "255 192 192 175"
FlashLightRadius = "2.0"
FlashLightDuration = "0.25"
Discharge = "small_smoke_effect"
Here is my rep_weap_inf_pistol.odf file:
Code: Select all
ClassParent = "com_weap_inf_pistol"
GeometryName = "rep_weap_inf_pistol.msh"
GeometryName = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
HighResGeometry = "rep_1st_weap_inf_pistol"
OrdnanceName = "rep_weap_inf_pistol_ord"
RoundsPerClip = "500"
ReloadTime = "2.0"
ShotDelay = "0.2"
TriggerSingle = "1"
MaxPressedTime = "1"
DisplayRefire = "0"
SalvoCount = "1"
SalvoDelay = "0.0"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.0"
SalvoTime = "0.0"
//*************** SOUND ****************
MuzzleFlash = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor = "80 80 255 255"
FlashLength = 0.025
FlashColor = "100 100 255 255"
FlashLength = 0.025
FlashLightColor = "220 220 255 175"
FlashLightRadius = "2.0"
FlashLightDuration = "0.25"
Discharge = "small_smoke_effect"
FireSound = "rep_weap_inf_pistol_fire"
FireEmptySound = "com_weap_inf_ammo_empty"
ReloadSound = "com_weap_inf_reload_med"
ChangeModeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_med"
WeaponChangeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_sm"
JumpSound = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_jump"
LandSound = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_land"
RollSound = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_roll"
//ProneSound = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_lie"
SquatSound = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_squat"
//StandSound = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_getup"
Help please!!
3. How do you get boundaries to work? I placed a boundary on my map, as I have been doing for all of my SWBF maps. However, I can reach the edge of my map without any warnings. It just isn't there!
Thank you and please respond with answers!! This will help many others as well.
- Majin Revan