Need help changing the sky (Conquest, Assault map)

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Need help changing the sky (Conquest, Assault map)

Post by androidgeoff »

Hello, and thank you:

I've been reading how to change the Yavin sky to other skies for maps and it is not working. What I plan to do is take the Death Star sky and put it as my sky for my map that I am creating.

I've gone to the DEA world1 folder and copied the file. Then I renamed it MS1 (That's my map name, obviously) so it is now

Then, in the "Getting Started" file, it said to find the files the file is associated with. This is where I am stuck. I've read the file, and it says:


NearSceneRange(60.000000, 100.000000, 80.000000, 160.000000);
FarSceneRange(0.0, 0.0);
NearSceneRange(0.1, 120.000000, 180.000000);
NearSplitScreenRange(0.7, 120.000000, 140.000000);
NearSceneRange(0.1, 120.000000, 180.000000);
NearSplitScreenRange(0.7, 120.000000, 140.000000);




And I have no idea what to do next. Any help is greatly appreciated!


RE: Need help changing the sky (Conquest, Assault map)

Post by dreadlordnyax »

the files associated with it would be:


they should be located under the dea folder in the assets, in the msh folder (or maybe the world folder, cant remember which)
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RE: Need help changing the sky (Conquest, Assault map)

Post by Koolaid7g »

I don't know if this is necessary or not, but i deleted my old yavin sky files so i wouldn't get it all mixed up

Post by androidgeoff »

I looked at the Death Star sky files that are needed and I found 3 of them a .tga file and 2 msh files (I think) I copied all 3 of them just to be safe and it STILL comes up with the stupid Yavin sky... I even deleted the Yavin .sky files and it still shows up.

I am really sorry that I am having trouble with this, it just doesn't seem to be working at all...

Post by dreadlordnyax »

you might try cleaning it, then remunging. i had a similar problem, and i'm pretty sure it was fixed when i cleaned.

Post by $iniSTar »

ah good im not the only guy having the problems, thanks for the post and the responses, stupid Yavin sky is out of place for a dreary world like Vjun.

Post by $iniSTar »

oK, Androidgeoff I seem to have figured this out, it's 7 days since you posted this, hopefully you still need the info. Here it goes:

The final step is to set the sky in Zero Editor. Navigate (after loading your map) to light (all the way to the far right) you will see this space -ENVIROMENT MAP NAME enter the name of the TGA sky dome file in that blank space. save your work and munge . The sky should now be the new skyline . Thanks to TEANCUM for pointing the way .
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