flag1 mode does not work

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flag1 mode does not work

Post by Brucelciolino »

I'm making a mod that adds an era and a map, on this map the Conquest mode works well, but in Flag1 mode the soldiers don't appear on either side.
In addition, the game shows that each team has 150 points and the troops have basic skins instead of the skins I added.
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Re: flag1 mode does not work

Post by TheComicCorvette »

If the soldiers don't spawn in game, that is likely due the CPs being defied incorrectly, in your era's lua script, locate the CPs configuration, make had no errors, and contains all of the in-game command posts in your map.

Have you typed your lua from scratch? Since no 1 Flag template exists. If so, make sure you copy over the correct details from another 1 flag script (jabba's palace is a good example) I'm not sure what the exact commands for set the game in CTF mode instead of the default conquest mode, but it is there somewhere.

As for your skins, make sure you but "dc:" in front of each of the ReadDataFile lines in your lua. This tells the game to read your sides instead of the stock sides.

For example: ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\rep.lvl",

I hoped this helped somewhat, but I don't know exactly what your problem is.
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