Mon Calamari question

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Rebel Colonel
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Mon Calamari question

Post by Astute »

I'm in the process of planning out a couple maps/mods and one of them is probably going to be a Mon Cal/Manaan map. However, i really don't know much about mon cal, but will study up on it if i ever do the map. Anyway, my question is if the CIS had their underwater fighter(Mantasub?), then what was it that the republic had?

RE: Mon Calamari question

Post by Trans »

Drawing on memories of the show they had Scuba Troopers with jetpacks and the Mon had sea horse like creatures that they rode on, I'm taking a short break from a project so I will try to get the links later if nobody beats me to it.

EDIT: I found the scuba trooper ... index.html
Rebel Colonel
Rebel Colonel
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RE: Mon Calamari question

Post by Astute »

Hmm, was hoping for a vehicle of some sort as a response to the manta. I think i can pull off a way to have underwater combat with the manta, however making a scuba trooper would just make combat between them ackward.

Post by RDST »

Check out the Star Wars on (lots of info)
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