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SWBF2 Classic (Steam) + v1.3-r130 + NucleusCoop crashing after first battle

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:45 pm
by battom94

I'm going to go into some detail on this to include as much info as possible right away:
After several unsuccessful attempts to play offline mulitplayer battles on modded maps via a lan connection between two computers, which in most cases resulted in crashes, I downloaded NucleusCoop and set up a split-screen setup on two monitors using a wired Xbox360 controller and a DualShock 4 controller (using DS4Windows) and setting one window up as a local host in multiplayer mode with the other one joining. Using several mods (in order of installation: v1.3-r130 patch, Conversion Pack 2.0, Conversion Pack V2.2 patch, BF2 Remaster v1.1 + several maps), this worked for most maps and "regular" game modes (one example that didn't work was the Holocron game mode). After one battle however, the host window proceeded to the results table with the other one stuck in the battle screen without the respective Victory/Defeat message, lagging and displaying the crossed-out-lan-cable-icon in the bottom right, until either of both crashed with the other one following shortly after. I tried "validating" the install in Steams big picture mode, turning off the firewall, using only maps and modes that are in the original game and disconnecting the DualShock 4 (after I read that some people have problems with Xbox One controllers), none of which helped. I uninstalled the game in Steam, deleted the remaining folder containing the mod- and map-files and reinstalled the game. In the stock configuration, the problem did not occur but after I install the v1.3-r130 patch (as the first step to use maps and potentially mods) it starts happening again. Seemingly, the v1.3 patch or mods in general cause the issue and I was wondering if anyone encountered the same problem and found a solution or if someone has any idea what I could try.

TL,DR: Using the stock Steam-SWBF2 Classic in a split-screen multiplayer setup via NucleusCoop works fine. After installing v1.3-r130 patch it works for one battle then crashes. Considering it works for an initial battle I am somehow hoping it might be solveable without abstaining form custom maps and mods.

Additional info:
OS: Win 10 Home
NucleusCoop (Alpha 8 Mod) v1.05 R5 (Final)

Best regards