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Re: Corrupt textures on MacBook Pro 2016

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 1:04 am
by thomasw02
Hey, my friend just BootCamp'd his 2016 MacBook Pro and installed Battlefront II, Gameranger, Discord and these mods: (1.3 Patch, Convo Pack, Convo Pack 2.2 Patch, BFX 2.2 and GCW 2 version 1.6) in order to join my growing Battlefront Club (bunch of us lads from school who play the game :D ), and we just finished up and were testing everything out, when we ran into a problem. I loaded up a standard Clone Wars Geonosis Conquest on Gameranger, but when he joined, his textures were REALLY screwed up. Specifically the sky textures were all weird colours like red and yellow and stuff like that. Apparently some ground textures were all screwed up as well.
His computer has "Intel Iris Graphics 550" for the graphics card.

I saw online that you could fix it with patches from AMD and stuff like that, but we tried dragging those two .dll files into the GameData folder and it didn't do anything.

Does anyone have a fix for this? Does anyone else use a 2016 MacBook Pro to play? Or does anyone else have a BootCamp'd Mac that they had this problem on?
Or just any ideas?

And If you need me to test anything just let me know :)


Apparently it looked just like this: https://URL Shorteners are disallowed on Gametoast. Use direct links only./images/TlWftm

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