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Designated Days

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:08 pm
by RevanSithLord
Hi, everybody! (Hi, Dr. Nick!)

As many of you undoubtedly know, the Designated Days project led by me and Icemember here has been going a long time. I figured I'd make a proper thread about it. The goal originally of the mod was to make D-day style battles with tons of units on the field and generally base it on World War II-era weapons, equipment, and vehicles. The Battle of Yavin in ANH was inspired by footage from the Battle of Britain, the E-11 and DH-17 blasters were based on the Sten MKII, and stormtroopers...well, you get the idea. We wanted to take this idea and blow it out of proportion!

The story takes place on a planet a little beyond the Outer Rim Territories in the Rathia system. Around the time of the Battle of Naboo, a new power started to rise on this planet after a self appointed Premier by the name of Adali Morker takes charge. The planet Allanis didn't like this, but the people of Tropikus and Arthame lined up behind them and formed what I like to call the Rathian Systems Alliance or RSA. The Tropikus Empire are mostly autonomous despite this treaty. The Allanis Peoples' Union are communistic in nature and have a "no step back" policy during warfare. They wish to throw Premier Morker off the throne and to assume their own power over the systems, but they need the help of the Republic. The Republic is caught up in the midst of the Clone Wars, thus supplying factions such as the APU and the Rathian Resistance Movement has basically almost come to a halt. The Trade Federation use to do dealings until the Rathians heard of the blockade over Naboo and decided to cut all ties. They acquired several weapons from raids against TF convoys and later they'd do the same against the CIS and Republic. Republic involvement in these planets would be kept secret while a secret war was waged. Several Clone legions were dispatched to Rathia to put an end to the conflicts...a great crusade as it were. First they would recon the island of Parolis and then after shutting down a tank factory, they would invade the Zormanis mainland.

I hope that's a good summary of the plot, because I'm sure some people were confused as to what the story actually was. Anyways, this isn't really a WIP thread, I would say, because it's such a large ongoing project that's far from over, but I wanted to make a main thread for it. Also I didn't know where else to put it. Here are the links to the maps already released, even Imperial Days and All Battle Crisis + All Battle Spearhead:
Already released maps: Operation Republic Ghost (Chapter 1-1. Version 1.1 [latest available version]) ...
Operation Republic Ghost (Chapter 1-2. Version 1.0. Being reworked, but is latest version available to public)
Op: Republic Ghost (Chapter 1-3. Version 1.0)
Op: Republic Ghost (Chapter 1-4. Version 1.0)…/Designat ...
Op: Republic Ghost (Chapter 1-5. Version 1.0) ...
A Special Winter Release: Operation Whiteout (Chapter 3-5. Version 1.0)
[Link isn't available anymore. Don't worry, a new version is in the works anyways. :P]
DD: All Battle Crisis version 3.2
DD: All Battle Spearhead version 1.0 ...
Designated Days: Imperial Days (Chapter 1-1 Kashyyyk Days, version 1.0) ...
I assure you, there is a LOT more content in the works and planned. Expect more media of them soon too. :D

You may talk about any aspect of the series here and ask questions. We also have a Facebook page and I am eventually going to making us a ModDB page.


And SWBFCustom: ... osted-mods

Hopefully we'll have more content released relatively quick. Icemember is working on something rather nice.

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:28 pm
by Kingpin
Glad to see you guys still working on these! Deisgnated Dats Spearhead was one of my first and favorite mods. Maybe the admins can give you a GT sponsored thread on here. Good work!

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:27 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Been following the Designated Days Series for close to 4 years now. How is the production coming on the latest map?

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:41 pm
by RevanSithLord
[Update: 8-21-16 - new trailer]

Right now he's working on winter maps and we're trying to release Operation: Whiteout (trailer) and I'm working on the first episode of chapter 2, which I have to restart. Otherwise, progress is going great. Icemember has been on vacation for the past week, but should be returning Sunday to continue on some of the latest maps. :)

>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<

New trailer. Thanks to AQT for the assets and the means to finish it.

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:44 pm
by AQT
Awesome! But that last shot, though. :lol: Nice choice of music too, considering how closely related Dark Forces and Rogue One are in a way. :)

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:58 am
by RevanSithLord
As I have useful and relevant information on recent work on the mod (which is the only reason I'm reviving this thread), I figured I'd update people here on the latest developments.

We also brought CdtFox on the team to manage articles and other things on our ModDB page, should there be times I can't make articles due to real life issues (and vice versa). Congrats to CdtFox! Hopefully we can bring a few others on sometime down the line!

We have an Imperial Days page now, separate from the main mod page, but it's under as a company for some reason. Oh well, it still works. You can view that here where there is more media.

Designated Days: Imperial Days (click here!)

Work has begun on Imperial Days Chapter 1 - part 2.
Work continues on the Designated Days main series as I myself continue to work on Chapter 2 - part 1 and Icemember works on Chapter 1 - 6 (which will be the final battle of Operation: Republic Ghost).

Several NEW TIE fighter variants from legends and fanon works have been made for Imperial Days (as well as a design of our own), and while I don't have all of them available, I made a showcase of the ones I did have on our testing map (the test map will not be released to the public. It only serves as a test bed for new units, props, vehicles, effects, and scripts). You can find the video here:
Thank you to all who have been following our progress!

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:38 am
by ARCTroopaNate
Nice work DD team!

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:15 pm
by RevanSithLord
Just a little fun, but it shows off our version of the Imperial missile turret which was first featured in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron!

Re: Designated Days

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:47 pm
by AQT
:funny2: Looks great!