Me and Anakin are looking for Members to join the Battlefront III Project Team.
Battlefront III Project is a full conversion mod adding new eras and maps from the cancelled Game: Star Wars Battlefront III.
Our aim is not to make a copy of BF3 but a recreation the way we think it will give you best gaming experience.
The mod is split into two big parts: The Sides and the Map. Currently only one map is going to be in developement. The Sides are recreations of all four main fractions: CIS, Republic, Empire, Alliance.
We plan on using as many Assets from the cancelled Battlefront as possible. New Sounds, a new menu and a new HUD are also planned. But they are still not important yet. The most important thing is the conversion/port of those Assets.
During the past weeks almost every single Bf2 Unit could be replaced with the new assets. Also maps are planned so far. The only map for now would be the recreation of Coruscant.
We are looking for Modders who are experienced in making new sides and being able to convert meshes into Battlefront II. You would need an average experience in making/converting vehicles, units, weapons (and maybe props). Mostly for the units. So if you are able to help us with the sides, we would really apprectiate this.
You don't need to be a modeleler, animatior or scriptor. Even if you are just good at skinning we apprectiate your help then.
There is no real limit of team members. We are also going to use already converted Bf3 Assets (Like Weapons, Vehicles and Units). If you are able to port models from the shared assets we would really like to work together with you.
We are going to use git to share the project under the devs, so it would be good if you are handy with that tool.
The following list shows you how many devs we need. To become a Team member you need to bring time, so you shouldn't have an other active project.
But you needn't be one of our dev team to help us. If you don't have the time for such a project, you can help us as a outside collaborator by converting single units/props. Just tell us what you are going to convert, so we won't do it twice.
Our team so far:
Team Map:
the_legend/El_Fabricio: 1st. Leader of this project.
Tasks: (Re)Making the first map, scripting, part-time sound design, part-time Animation Design.
??? Mapper
Tasks: remaking the map
??? 3D Artist
Tasks: creating not existing 3d props that cannot be converted for the map team, doing new soldier animations for the side team.
Team Side:
Anakin: 2nd. Leader of this project.
Tasks: converting imp/rep common weapon.
Tasks: converting all/cis
Team Graphic:
Darth Dio: HUD artist
Tasks: new HUD (new weapon icons, minimap, rearrange all elements for better looking)
Team Interface:
jedimoose32: Interface Artist/Editing
Tasks: new Interface Icons, Images etc..., (maybe names), (maybe rearranging)...
If you want to join our dev Team, please tell us what job you want.
If you want to help us as a outside collaborator, please tell us, what you are going to do for us.
For more questions feel free to ask. If you would like to contribute to this project feel free to reply to this post.