Pals For Life clan are discussing their tactics, they have to go fight something badass because Leeroy needs some object. Leeroy is AFK during the discussion...
"I estimate a 32 point 33 percentage of survival..."
"hmmm, that's a lot better than we usually do"
"let's do this! Leeeeerooooooyyyyyy Jeeenkiins !!!! "
"Oh my god, he just ran in"
"I'm down !"
"Oh my god"
"Oh my god"
"Oh my god"
"It's not my fault" << haha, classic Star Wars quote
"At least I have chicken"
I dont think ive ever seen a funnier video ever, ROFL! thanks so much for posting this saturn. I love how the clan plans it all out and afk lerroy just runs in and aggros every single mob in the level! WOOT! hearing 13 clan members yelling IM DOWN! is just to hilarious!.... gotta find more of these..
that was hilarious!
my fav part- "leeroy, your such a moron"
"its not my fault"
hilarious! I heard about this earlier but thought it was stupid, guess not!
im impressed by their skills-kind of