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Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:55 pm
by Lord_Bandu
Hi , Im looking thro the guide bet i thought id post this aswell.

Is it possible to do the following:

1.Name the Command Posts? (ala Thrown Room)

2.Change the Objectives on the Spawn Screen ? (ala Watch out for Tuskens)

3.Mod the Mini Map hud thing to have buildings on etc.?

4.Mod the Map in the Spawn Screen?

5.Change the name of your map? My map at the moment is called ' Tatooine: Desert" because i douldnt think of anything at the time . I ould like it to be called either 'TATOOINE: THE SANDCRAWLER" or TATOOINE: IMPERIAL GROUND ASSAULT"

Eddie i noticed your DeathStar map is called "version 0.9" you will be changing it to "version 1.0" in the future . Maybe you can help me with this?

PS. Has anyone managed to get the Sun in the sky?


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:04 pm
by eddie
Changing name of the map is easy. Open addme.lua in addme folder, change the string and that is it.

local newEntry = { mapluafile = "eds3", showstr = "EDDIE DEATH STAR v0.9", side_a = 1, dnldable = 1, }

Command posts are named through localization, i did not ge tinto it yet (you just reminded me). The same for objectives i think. Map on spawn screen is just one of tga files (eg eds3_map.tga). #3 do not understand.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:51 pm
by Lord_Bandu
thanks . i guess number 3 is connested to no.4 really. on your Deathstar mini map you have divided it up into coloured zones . no.3 is the little map in the bottom right hand corner when your actually in the game (shooting people etc) . no.4 is the map of the cp's when your choosing your spawn point and choosing your infantry type.

thanks for your help :)

PS. im looking to have a couple of jawa's running about (maybe about 10) iv had no luck putting 3rd party factions on my map as yet .
Also i would like to have a couple of tuskens situated in 1 corner of my map ,but i dont want them to run all over the map , basically i want them to stay near 1 particular CP untill its taken over . i dont know whether this is possible . Do you know ?

PPS. how would i go about making my map for Galactic era only ?

Sorry for the hassle but im very close to releasing my 1st version of my map .

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:37 pm
by eddie
GCW Only:

local newEntry = { mapluafile = "MOD1", showstr = "MOD MAP 1", side_c = 1, side_a = 1, dnldable = 1, }

Just kill side_c=1, and no CW

No.4 will become no.3 automaticly.

3rd party, dont know, did not get into it yet.