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My first map in 10 seconds

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:18 pm
by Rends
Selection screen:
and the massacre:

i simple followed the first 10 steps and it works :-)

Well during the munge process i got some error message that some files couldn´t be found but the map works in game.

And Psycho, i´m not sure but can we use letters like ä ü ö (just for the case you don´t see it correctly here i mean a u o with double dots on top) ?

The map is called " Wueste" but would be exactly correct written" Wüste" in german language.
So i wonder if i need to stay with ue or if i can use ü instead. Or would we run in trouble when playing online?


RE: My first map in 10 seconds

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:47 pm
by Rends
I run the same test again.
The mungelog is empty but the DOS box shows :

Missing file texture
required by pathXXXX

and some more missing files like" rep_fly_assault_dome model"

Seams that the dosbox shows me only that it couldn´t find needed files (even if didn´t added them to the map)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:08 pm
by Lindsey
Heres my question, how do you insert models from the shipped worlds folder? I always get this error on trying to open any of them that it cant find/open the model/mesh

the models from the folder with the DONT ADD ODFs OR MESHS HERE, ONLY FIR EDITOR folder work fine though, cant understand why :(

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:39 pm
by Lindsey
ah, got it working, thx

On a different note I see now why you put the debug cam mode the way it is, but what im confused about here (and I havnt tryed it yet so im not sure) but it seems as if your giving the SP game in its whole self (minus MP) out for free, my question is, couldnt you have people enter their CD keys before install so only people who bought the game could use it?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:43 pm
by Rends
I´m doing some progress now.
Based on the Datatemplate map mod1 i was able to change the sky and dome models, adding objects and spawnpoints and also some basic terrain texturing and height changes.
Next step will be AI paths.Guess i know how to do it. Hope it works :-)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:45 pm
by Rends
My first hills:

Finally.AI is following my path:

visiting Skywalkers home:


Now i need to find out how to capture new added command post.