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Potential Planets List

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:24 am
by eddie
Starting new topic regarding a list of planets. Please add any ideas you might have so people can prepare and do some research before tools come out:

Posted by Furesy:
1. Coruscant (Like others said)
2. Naboo (Gungan City)
3. Naboo (Cairn Reactor of Naboo, Darth Maul exct...)
4 .Mon Calimari (Planet of the Rebels Admiral, Mon Calimar)
5. Star Destroyer (Not a Planet but a Ship)
6. Degobah (Yoda's Planet)
7. Korriban (Sith Homeworld)

Posted by Eddie:
1. First Death Star
2. Second Death Star
3. Naboo, action in the air

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:53 am
by Visceral
I think the Tantive IV boarding from the beginning of ANH, as suggested by someone on the forums, is a great idea.

I really would like to see Yavin and Endor space battle maps.

I would also like to see a bigger, more detailed Tipoca City (Kamino) map. Sith-J-Cull has done an unbelievable Jedi Academy map of it and I had hoped the BF map would be as good.

Coruscant is a great idea if it can be made to look right; I've seen Coruscant maps in other games with super-cheesy textures and they look awful. A good mapper with freeze-framed AOTC as a reference should be able to get it right, though.

A Kashyyyk map of one of the cities way up in the trees instead of the coastal lagoons we have now would rock.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 12:53 pm
by Leviathan
I think to Zonama Sekot, the living planet discovered during the Yuuzhan Vongs' era, as map, no ?...

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:35 pm
by nitro
i tell ya something , the guys from LA(?) had a nice official siege map for JKA and it was with the stardestroyer, a space map with a star-destroyer that has to be blown could be some bad-Diet Dr. Pepper action for this game i tell ya !

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:40 am
by =XSL=Sentenza[ITA]
hi i would say :

First Death Star
Geonosis Arena
Tantive IV


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:41 am
by Raxor
Genonosis Droid Workshop
Kamino cloning facility (indoors)