MikeTheBeast55 wrote:I found a localization problem (I think that is what it is called) in the Galactic Civil War Conquest Era, the first unit on the Sentries team seems to have an improper name called: 0x1493A72 instead of the assigned name in the other eras. Seems to do this both on Singleplayer and Multiplayer.
Thanks! i will fix it.
After some testing with the MP mode in the dedicated server, I have some problems and no good feelings about it. Lag is a BIG problem for vehicles, the ZE anims and scripted events may work only for SP mode. So, may be this map will be reoriented to single player mode.
I've worked in a few things to get more dynamism in this mod:
* Actually, in the trng_eli mode (assault) every character have one unique life, if they receive damage in a round but win it, then pass to the next round but with the same health level. The fix for it was add a reward to the "killer" on the OnCharacterDeath function that listen when an player dead. The killer of that character gets a new MaxHealth and CurHealth value for the next round, the samething for all rounds like this:
Round 1: health 100
Round 2: health 250
Round 3: health 500
Round 4: health 1000
That works very fine for humans players and AI. Tested 100%.
* The trnc_1flag and trng_1flag modes has not been included in the beta, due the BIG problem with the flyers and flags, (they can't capture it , however they have the right collision for it). The fix for it was a NEW game mode:
In this mode, the map have 13 regions distributed for all places, when the game start, a scripted event triggers the activation of one region
RANDOMLY, the first team unit (human or bot) that enters that region capture it, the enemy team can't capture after it, so the next region will be activate randomly again.
The first team in reach 3 regions before the enemy, reset all captured regions (own and enemy's) and gets 5 points (or more, testing it yet).
Every regions have 3 geometries, neutral, programs team and sentries team, when every team captures any region the propper geometry respawn.