"The Video Archive"

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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Noobasaurus »

Survivorman - Burbia: Episode 4


Survivorman is back! The season finale is episode 5, which is already recorded and should be up soon. We're trying to do behind the scenes for all of our videos now. They're not too informative though.


The finale of Survivorman - Season 1: Burbia. Season 2 coming soon™.
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by CalvaryCptMike »

"Breaking Good" Trailer

Even if you haven't seen breaking bad it will still make sense. :)

It's a little long (15mins) but if you watch it be sure to watch the whole thing.
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Noobasaurus »

I'm surprised I watched that entire video, but it was really good. Great job!

...and I'm DONE with Webs now. I can't even use custom HTMLs on my website anymore without upgrading to a super stupid package. I'll find a new provider eventually so I can post this video.

Yeah, an excuse to post another video here. If you guys want me to stop just tell me. That is, if anyone watches them.
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by kinetosimpetus »


An epic game of War Thunder. WULF, 1 random guy who knew how to fly, and I climb for advantage position, everyone else hugs the ground and dies. WULF and I dive into the remaining 5 enemies... do we pull off an amazing comeback?

(Video is cut to 12:10 so only the action is included, not the roughly 27 minutes of flying in a straight line from one point to another, but hey, that's Realistic Battles mode for yah.)

When I take the critical hit (shown in lower right corner of the screen), it was the elevator controls, no up/down control except by speed and flaps, a death sentence 99% of the time.
Also by ticket count, "reinforcements" if you will, we were losing the whole game due to B-17's smashing our ground forces, so if both teams simultaneously lose their last aircraft, we'd lose.
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Noobasaurus »

I never posted my Ender's Game video on here? Hm. You guys are missing out on McSwag. (If you click here you can watch McSwag, I cut it to that part)

Above was made for a book report. Below was made for a book report. Yeah, go watch all my book reports. They're just sections of books turned into real life, so it's not that bad.

Yesterday I made this. Filmed in a few hours and edited in about one. (Cut to the good part with Shoshang)
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Marth8880 »

Felt like making these after agentsmith38 gave me the idea. :) I love the results.

Audio tracks processed using Paulstretch effect in Audacity.

Mass Effect 3 - Leaving Earth 1000% Slower


Mass Effect 2: Overlord - Final Conversation 1000% Slower


Mass Effect 3 - I'm Sorry 1000% Slower

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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by [Padawan]Helkaan »

Kitsch time !


^I can't stop laughing at the second one. This guy's smile... his moves... but shhhh watch by yourself, you'll see.
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Marth8880 »

Top 11 GOOD things about the Star Wars prequels: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videol ... s-prequels
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Noobasaurus »

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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by AcaelusThorne »

Hey GT just realized the side is back up (was so frustrated but gave up checking every day after some time) and I wanted to share a video I made.

It is a sniping montage in the game Blacklight Retribution. I hope you guys enjoy :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI5SRZH ... e=youtu.be
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Noobasaurus »

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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Marth8880 »

Watch me (continue to) play F.E.A.R. for my first time ever! Live! Yep! With webcam and mic! :D http://www.twitch.tv/marth8880

(This thread is closely enough related to Twitch streams. :P )


And we continue the stream as of now! :D
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by RevanSithLord »

Sorry for the bump (unless this thread is okay to bump seeing as though it's a stickied thread?). This is just a quick clip I pieced together. :P

YouTube is being mean to me and won't upload anything. It gets stuck at 94%, so here's the backup video on my Dropbox: [Warning: It has SOME 'puff' blood and blood decals when people get hit here and there, for people who are squeamish at the smallest of things. Pretend it's jelly or something, but if not, at least I warned you about it! It's not that horrible. Not to mention virtual acted violence in the game. Guns and explosions. You know, action.]
https://www.dropbox.com/sc/zw7qcr5fnkpw ... -vv2P0XuKa

It's a mod project I've been working on over the summer with a group of people. CNC95 classicness being made for the original Operation Flashpoint. I worked on this video all day on the 18th (yesterday). Camera movement a bit weird, I apologize. That's a game limitation with the camera scripts, but I edited it enough to the point that hopefully it won't make people sea-sick or something. Enjoy, or don't, up to you. Have a great night, folks!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfgtdOz ... fp0EP_wF3Q <----- YT link up.
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by AceMastermind »

I'm moving all SWBF2 video related posts from this thread into a new one in SWBF2 General named The SWBF2 Video Archive


The SWBF2 Video Archive
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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by Noobasaurus »

47 and a Half Ramen

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Re: "The Video Archive"

Post by noMatt »

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