What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by biohazard »

I got SWBF2 years ago and I adored it. Then, when I tried to mod something, I broke the game so I went to reinstall. Whoops! Lost my seriel key. No more SWBF. Then A couple months ago, I found a forum. The forum closed down just about a week after I found it, too. Called 'Ultimate Gift Forum'. So I go there and I'm thinking 'How cool' and I see someone asking for a CnC Renegade key, lost in similar circumstances to mine. I never play mine, it's not even installed anymore, so I gave my key to him. Same guy replies to my request a day later for a SWBF2 key. I was thrilled.

Now, in just the last couple of weeks, I've regained my enthusiasm. And, just like riding a bike, you never forget how to own with a shotgun.

Not exactly in-game, as you can see, but a very pleasant occurance nonetheless. And now for the show.

Recently I was playing on Naboo, as CIS, single player. I was the engineer (suprise, suprise!) And let's just say - the battle ended in about 5-10 minutes, I had 0 deaths, and I had an AWARD Shotgun, War Hero, and around 100 kills. That was pure glee.

I had even more experiences before and these are the ones so awesome I can recall them very well to this day.

Before I decided to get good with engineers, I was a rocket trooper man. I still am, on occasion. You see, I don't snipe with a sniper rifle. I snipe with a rocket launcher. I kid you not. Just recently I was on Geonosis online, and at the other end of the map? Assassin droid. Me? Heavy clone trooper. Again, pure glee. I hit him at least once, but I didn't get a kill. So I switched to a sniper rifle for sake of the zoom after a while and picked him off. I laughed.

So back, to the heavy trooper thing, I'll start with the least impressive of two similar scenarios first, which was also first chronologically. I was on Kamino, online, with a bazooka man. I am not looking well where I'm going, but I'm nearing an enemy CP (in the outdoor area, specifically the one with a ramp leading up to it, and a ramp leading across past a platform to one of the interioir areas) so I decide to lay a mine. Instantly, Kaboom. Also, Obi-Wan's dead body. Not to mention several other clones. Thus began my comprehension of the power of the mine.

Hoth. Empire. I was determined to get in the rebel hangar and steal one of those blissful airplanes. And I mean determined. And so, I finally make it. Five, maybe six rebels. Blam, blam: I'm dead. But not before I got the chance to lay a couple happy mines. I respawn, and about 5 seconds later I read in the top left-hand corner of my HUD that I defeated Luke Skywalker along with one or two other guys. Win.

This one was Naboo. I don't know that I'll ever forget it, it's the entire reason why I play Battlefront. I was CIS, I was an engineer. I was in a tank. It was fairly late through the battle, so jet troopers were everywhere. I mean everywhere. And the thing was, I was not alone. There were about five? six? maybe more of us engineers and we had two tanks. We just went around the perimeter, taking CPs as we cruised along, destroying all who stood in our way. I remember, in the tank, at the CP on the rightmost of the map, the one near that square fountain and the path that has a lower and upper level leading near it, the jet troopers came in scores. And I mowed them down. They kept coming, and I kept blasting. We won eventually, but that battle is ingrained in my memory forever. That's what BF2 is all about and one of the primary reasons why Naboo is undyingly my favorite map.

Death Star - another favorite of mine. I was the Mangaguard at this point. I'm sure all of you are quite familiar with the part near one of the southern CPs that is elevated, with a lengthy staircase leading to and from it. Well, until I finally ran out of ammo, that was my invincible stronghold, and the nearby CP was hostile. My trusty grenade launcher and I, boy did we have a ball in there.

Also, something that happened in one of the first battles I fought online, and it was on the Death Star, was a thermal detonator duel. Seriously. One guy, me, and a blast door. Dets flying between us everywhere. Again, bliss.

One more. Mos Eisley duels as TEH LAWNMOWER!!1one!eleven. (Grievous) I got called a noob so many times, but hey, I played fair. I just owned.

That's all for now. G'bye, my friends. Time for sleep, it's getting a bit late.

Alright, time for some more goodies.

A couple days ago, on Mustafar, online, We were down to one CP. This was the one with the two bridges leading to it, but the repair terminal is on the other side. So I'm defending the door leading to it. Nobody gets past. Hey! A hevy trooper! KABOOM. Detpack'd. None of them got past, and none knew what even hit them. And I had no clue either, until I looked at the map on my HUD. You see, I got hit in the back and killed before I knew what was going on. Apparently, those blasted rebels had come across the bridges and defeated my allies behind my back. So I was the sole survivor, but only until I got killed.

Oh, a side note, I remarked about Mos Eisley assault before, I really wonder why more servers don't encourage organized duels anymore. They were a real joy.

Also recently online, I was playing conquest on Kashyyyk, and I was an engineer on the CIS. We were losing, you know, and it wasn't for my doing (or lack thereof, for that matter.) But I was cruising along the far left side of the map, on that big hill, because I wanted one thing, and one thing only. To land a nice shotgun round into the back of every one of their cruel, cruel snipers. So I try once, and a couple republic troopers see me and take me out after I kill one of them. Next time, I make it inside the big fortification, and I chuckle to myself while everyone spawns, completely ignorant of my presence. Thinking back, maybe I should have detpacked them all to heck and back, but vengance was the only thing on my mind at the time. So I get on top of the big wall uneventfully, and I'm ready to slaughter some snipers. Well, we must have been low on reenforcements, because before I get to kill anyone, the red letters of defeat mark my screen. That was immensely dissapointing.

And Tantive. Oh how I dearly love conquest on Tantive IV, but I utterly despise CTF on it. Why, you query? Because I am always - no joke. ALWAYS - without exception, on CIS or Empire. Now, normally I like that. Droidekas and Dark Troopers can be an absolute joy to play as on nearly any map. But on Tantive, CIS and Empire always lose. Yea, and I know exactly why, too. You know that big room with the generator-type thing in it? This place is the only spawn point for these two sides. And there are 3 ways to go. The main way, where all the action takes place, and the most direct route to the flag and to the enemy CP, is the one on the right, with the small door, that some bozo on the enemy team always finds some way to mine. If you go out this way, the rebels, you see, have a much easier and less bottlenecked route for getting here, so whenever you're there, you're fighting not for aquiration of the flag, but rather so the rebels don't make it inside the generator room, for this is the shame above all shames. The other two lead to almost the same place, and they're on the left. Nothing ever happens on the left. What happens on left stays on the left. I don't know what's with it, but nobody ever goes that way. I do. I do. Then I get dead by the enemies all in the area where that path inevitably leads to. So, alas, my woes.

Also, just yesterday, on Naboo, (cheer) I was CIS and we weren't doing to superb. I can't recall in whose favor that the battle ended, but I was a droideka. One pathetic little droideka. And I must have captured, over the course of he battle, something like four CPs. And that's discounting the close ones. And boy do I hate those detpack idiots. They all say to themselves, "Hyuck hyuck, hey Jerry, is a one of dem thar's droodekaez! I knoz, les go an' run rite up to em! Hyuck hyuck, I knos, les ditpack im now! Yarr!" Oh, the billions of taxpayer dollars lost to my poor droidekas due to these blasted engineers. And Obi-Wan came after me individually on several occasions, as if he knew when he saw me, just isolated, I was up to no good. Which I was, but it was entertaining trying to escape nonetheless.

One word: Wampas. Okay, another, I guess: Acklays. That makes two. Ancient Research Facility, single player, is mayhem. Unrivaled mayhem.

And that's all I have to say about that.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Battleffront_Conquer »

my best SWF2 battle was when I played on my friends ps2....

We were on mustafar, with jedi enabled and all of the options were maxed out, at first my friend and I were capturing CPs one after another, Id get one then he would, and so on... well this went on for about 5 min and then we both [at about the same time] unlocked our heroes. he had unlocked his first and started running down every hallway capturing cp after cp :runaway: , I was on the REP team and I was obi wan... HE was on the CIS team. so as Darthmaul :maulsaber: he had a definite advantage... we were killing eachothers units like they owed us money, and were gettting extremely frustrated with each other for doing so, sharing our feelings in loud, angry bursts and shouts of "bad words". Eventually we met up in the lava bridge control room - this is where the fun begins - I jump into my CP and see him capturing it, I chase him down the bridge and he gets in and shuts the bridge down, I am about to fall into the deadly fire when I quickly realized I could jump up to the ledge that over looks the lava bridges, He has no clue where I am so a few seconds later he starts running down the hall when WAM! force pushed back into the lava control room, I jump into the room with him, we began our battle. He recovered quickly and threw his light saber at me, and I at him, both missed our bodies due to our jedi speed and whatnot... and because we were both heroes we had a limited time to continue this fight, I get down to almost no life and one of his droids spawn in the room and guns me down with a shotgun, time again and again we would meet up for about 20 - 40 sec and it would just be a great battle interupted with random encounters refilling our life and so on.... the battle lasted over and hour and a half, we both got our heroes as favorite class and lightsaber as our favorite weapon which made us laugh out loud... best swbf experience EVER
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by genaral_mitch »

Battleffront_Conquer wrote:my best SWF2 battle was when I played on my friends ps2....

We were on mustafar, with jedi enabled and all of the options were maxed out, at first my friend and I were capturing CPs one after another, Id get one then he would, and so on... well this went on for about 5 min and then we both [at about the same time] unlocked our heroes. he had unlocked his first and started running down every hallway capturing cp after cp :runaway: , I was on the REP team and I was obi wan... HE was on the CIS team. so as Darthmaul :maulsaber: he had a definite advantage... we were killing eachothers units like they owed us money, and were gettting extremely frustrated with each other for doing so, sharing our feelings in loud, angry bursts and shouts of "bad words". Eventually we met up in the lava bridge control room - this is where the fun begins - I jump into my CP and see him capturing it, I chase him down the bridge and he gets in and shuts the bridge down, I am about to fall into the deadly fire when I quickly realized I could jump up to the ledge that over looks the lava bridges, He has no clue where I am so a few seconds later he starts running down the hall when WAM! force pushed back into the lava control room, I jump into the room with him, we began our battle. He recovered quickly and threw his light saber at me, and I at him, both missed our bodies due to our jedi speed and whatnot... and because we were both heroes we had a limited time to continue this fight, I get down to almost no life and one of his droids spawn in the room and guns me down with a shotgun, time again and again we would meet up for about 20 - 40 sec and it would just be a great battle interupted with random encounters refilling our life and so on.... the battle lasted over and hour and a half, we both got our heroes as favorite class and lightsaber as our favorite weapon which made us laugh out loud... best swbf experience EVER
If I was in that battle, I would say it's the best too! So far, that's my favorite story.(Except my Star Destroyer experiance.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Battleffront_Conquer »

genaral_mitch wrote:
Battleffront_Conquer wrote:my best SWF2 battle was when I played on my friends ps2....

We were on mustafar, with jedi enabled and all of the options were maxed out, at first my friend and I were capturing CPs one after another, Id get one then he would, and so on... well this went on for about 5 min and then we both [at about the same time] unlocked our heroes. he had unlocked his first and started running down every hallway capturing cp after cp :runaway: , I was on the REP team and I was obi wan... HE was on the CIS team. so as Darthmaul :maulsaber: he had a definite advantage... we were killing eachothers units like they owed us money, and were gettting extremely frustrated with each other for doing so, sharing our feelings in loud, angry bursts and shouts of "bad words". Eventually we met up in the lava bridge control room - this is where the fun begins - I jump into my CP and see him capturing it, I chase him down the bridge and he gets in and shuts the bridge down, I am about to fall into the deadly fire when I quickly realized I could jump up to the ledge that over looks the lava bridges, He has no clue where I am so a few seconds later he starts running down the hall when WAM! force pushed back into the lava control room, I jump into the room with him, we began our battle. He recovered quickly and threw his light saber at me, and I at him, both missed our bodies due to our jedi speed and whatnot... and because we were both heroes we had a limited time to continue this fight, I get down to almost no life and one of his droids spawn in the room and guns me down with a shotgun, time again and again we would meet up for about 20 - 40 sec and it would just be a great battle interupted with random encounters refilling our life and so on.... the battle lasted over and hour and a half, we both got our heroes as favorite class and lightsaber as our favorite weapon which made us laugh out loud... best swbf experience EVER
If I was in that battle, I would say it's the best too! So far, that's my favorite story.(Except my Star Destroyer experiance.
yeah its a true story too.... we always try to recreate the amount of fun we had on that map, but all attempts fall short
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by [TFA]Padawan_Fighter »


There was this one time I single-handedly destroyed the CIS on elite, all my troops were dead. At the end I had to kill an AAT, it was like a boss fight :lol:

Favorite modmap I've ever battled in?

....Mos Eisley Spaceport! Woooo! :runaway:
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by genaral_mitch »

Destroyed the CIS on elite by yourself? :eek: Who were you being?
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Fluffy_the_ic »

Even on elite, the AI still suck. You could still beat them with a pistol with low skill level required. You just sneak around.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by kinetosimpetus »


Space Endor: Team Dogfight: 32 Elite AI: Timer 60: Kill Limit 150

Not necessarily my favorite battle, but an interesting example of the human factor.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by biohazard »

I wonder if it's possible to rescript the AI (IE make Elite actually difficult)
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by DarthD.U.C.K. »

yeah, you can make the ai more difficult, but that doesnt mean that its more clever or anything,
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by genaral_mitch »

I thought I saw a thread about making cpus more elite.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by [TFA]Padawan_Fighter »

genaral_mitch wrote:Destroyed the CIS on elite by yourself? :eek: Who were you being?

A clone trooper. :maulsaber:
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Jpskida »

You guys take this quite seriously don't you? I think it would have to be one tuskencamp round I played as a clone assassin, got 620 kills and didn't die once.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by [TFA]Padawan_Fighter »

Jpskida wrote:You guys take this quite seriously don't you? I think it would have to be one tuskencamp round I played as a clone assassin, got 620 kills and didn't die once.
..Suuuure you did!!! :thumbs:
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by RogueKnight »

[TFA]Padawan_Fighter wrote:
Jpskida wrote:You guys take this quite seriously don't you? I think it would have to be one tuskencamp round I played as a clone assassin, got 620 kills and didn't die once.
..Suuuure you did!!! :thumbs:
Screens or it didn't happen.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Fusion »

There's your screens.

It's quite possible he did, a melee unit tends to last longer than others in this game. Plus, with no saved game/film feature, how could he possibly have photo evidence of a match if his first thought wasn't "Wow, that was a good game! I've never done that good befoPRT SCRN__SYS RQ NOW!"

Then again, I wouldn't make such claims in the first place if I had no evidence to support it. :P
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Maveritchell »

Fusion wrote:It's quite possible he did, a melee unit tends to last longer than others in this game.
Not to confirm or deny the validity of the assertion in question, but the above statement doesn't really apply here. Yes, melee units tend to last longer, but that's only because they usually have block. Melee units also perform better on enclosed maps. The map mentioned is a very open map and that melee unit doesn't have a block. That usually means they'll die pretty quickly.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by Xavious »

Maveritchell wrote:
Fusion wrote:It's quite possible he did, a melee unit tends to last longer than others in this game.
Not to confirm or deny the validity of the assertion in question, but the above statement doesn't really apply here. Yes, melee units tend to last longer, but that's only because they usually have block. Melee units also perform better on enclosed maps. The map mentioned is a very open map and that melee unit doesn't have a block. That usually means they'll die pretty quickly.
It depends on how good you are. It is entirely possible to avoid most enemy fire by constantly moving around, sprinting, rolling, and jumping, and it is also not too difficult to avoid the attention of the AI bots while you sneak up on them or attack before they can shoot you. And then you can pick up health kits from fallen foes to keep yourself alive. I think Jpskida's claim may be plausible if he was careful, had the reinforcement count set ridiculously high, and he had a lot of time on his hands.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by biohazard »

Just recently I was playing CW Conquest on my Dee'ja Peak map, and I was the rush droid. That was so much fun. There's two main chokepoints, and I was at one that has 2 CPs on either side extremely close. One was mine, one belonged to the clones. I used the ammo droid to keep my H&A dispenser ammo full, and I would jetpack down right on the edge of the group near the CP and take a bunch out, then before I had enough units' attention to draw significant fire, jetpacked back to the chokepoint (which has a staircase leading up to it) and reloaded and got health if necessary. Sometimes they'd get lucky and a few might make it to the stairs. To the stairs. Not a single one actually made it to the top. Then the reinforcement count for my side dropped to one (me), I captured the offending CP because my CP I was guarding the chokepoint to had been infiltrated via the long route, and I found a bug - the CP I was on didn't count for the victory timer. That STANK; I hadn't enough time to take another. I totally could've taken out their remaining 100 men with just my one rush droid.

Rush droids, also, unlike the stock jetpack guys, are really fun to fly around with. Not that the stock aren't, but with the Rebel Charger, for example, one time I was flying (they fly extremely fast but are almost uncontrollable, like a dark trooper - it's difficult to correct you velocity once you launch, only Chargers are more so) and there was an imperial scout right in front of me. I shoot with the sniper rifle and luckily take him between the eyes before he gets his shot. Then, another time, similar circumstance, I was taking a CP and a scout trooper didn't like that, so we shot at the exact same time with a sniper rifle, at pretty close range. He missed a headshot by a hairsbredth, literally. I wasn't nearly so unforunate. The rush droid, once you get the AWARD pistol, is tons of fun because he's more controllable, so you fly at a staight path for the target and you're moving fast as a landspeeder if you picked up any speed, and you just let loose a couple rounds and land just as he falls. Dang I love my cusom units :) I plan to include them or similar on pretty much every map I make from hencefourth.
Last edited by biohazard on Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What's your favorite battle you've ever fought in?

Post by genaral_mitch »

If we're trying to take this into extremes, I got 2,000 or more kills on hoth with luke on 1flag.
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