I suggest you read this:Diststripe wrote:as I said before in another thread/topic we should do a whole runescape theme unfortunatly the post was unavle to be added on the account of I took to long typing it out, and I got sighned out.
Anyway once I get more knowledge on skinning i will be more than happy to create it.
We could make units wearing full rune or full dragon and equping a rune scim and have mace windu holding a 2H since he has two hands on his saber.
But oviously A jedi would have to be scripted.
We could also incorporate the magic battle of hoth mod into it as well and use some of there effects we could map it out so the map is like the wilderness in runescape have lava pits and all of that stuff.
The only thing about creating the units is that it will not look spectacular but neither doees runescape this would be a great mod to share with the swbf2 community, well and runescape I guess to
I need a team of good mappers and skinners to help me create this mod if you are interested.
You can't use the hoth mod's stuff unless you ask the creator (and they agree) or they've released assets.