Gaming Moments

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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by Fiodis »

So there I was, a lone Obi-Wan on a Kamino server. Corner of the map, platform, nowhere else to run, low on energy.

The droids were storming up the walkways. I didn't have enough energy to push, or toss, and I knew once they got up here it'd be all over.

But no! I'm a fighter! Let them come! And come they did. Sniper comes over the edge and hurls a grenade. But ha! I'm too quick for that! Faster than the speed of thought, I jump backward, effectivley dousing the heat of the blast under the weight of Kamino's ocean. They'll never get me down here!

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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by lesovikk1 »

Teancum wrote:This one time I went to go shoot a bad guy...

But then I died. It was awesome.
hint of sarcasm?

i set the fake console to 999999 troops each team (btw kamino cw-bfx) so much fun trying to get the droids to 1 cp then storming the cp with the being like 100 spawning each time and trying to capture it....sometimes it takes for ever but rarely funny. another time on kamino the center piece i went the crouched behind the cornerbits and just sniped like 50 in my first funny. (this was multiplayer)
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by CCO! »

My clan and I just had some fun on Boras. It was a 3v3 match (yes we are that cool, fws on Boras) The battle would be in the canyon that has two bases on either side playing king of the hill for the secret area, and then the other teams base. We used a mine chucker and wrote, Your dead in large friendly letters on a rock face. And then stationed a sniper there.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by lesovikk1 »

boras stunt course good times good times with the secret house trying to hold it by your self while team killing and normal killing funny the amout of mine kills i got. good times good times
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by destructo_bot »

Flying a guided missile through the cantina, then nailing the emperor with it for a kill :D
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by Sky_216 »

While doing endless sides testing:

1) Threw a lightsabre at an AAT, AAT exploded, killed 3 droids + a rancor. Win.
2) Rolled between two magnaguards...and they killed each other.

Rhen Var Monastery:
1) Just randomly fired a rifle to test an effect, hit the stealthed droid standing about a metre in front of me (didn't know about him) in the head, killed him.
2) On bridge. Followed by Grievous, had about 10 droids coming other way. Threw sonic nade, blew most of droids off bridge, blew me right over Grievous, killed him with headshots before he turned around.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by GangsterJawa »

Skyhammer_216 wrote:While doing endless sides testing:

1) Threw a lightsabre at an AAT, AAT exploded, killed 3 droids + a rancor. Win.
2) Rolled between two magnaguards...and they killed each other.

Rhen Var Monastery:
1) Just randomly fired a rifle to test an effect, hit the stealthed droid standing about a metre in front of me (didn't know about him) in the head, killed him.
2) On bridge. Followed by Grievous, had about 10 droids coming other way. Threw sonic nade, blew most of droids off bridge, blew me right over Grievous, killed him with headshots before he turned around.

I was playing on Utapau online yesterday with Obi-Wan. I was on a killing spree when I get nailed in the head by two sniper bolts simultaneously from 8 o'clock and 4:30...

Nothin' you can do about that. :roll:
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by sampip »

my favourite weapon ever is definitely a remote rocket. i have hit tons of unsuspecting droids with them. i remember on one of Xavious' 607th, I was outnumbered by about 30 men to 3, and i still won somehow...!
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by yukisuna »

i remember i were playing on polis massa,republic. health at 10%, and i were about to get shot... but then i got saved by a group of engineer droids! they throwed out Bacta tanks and protected me against enemy fire! really strange... but the most confusing part is that after 10 minutes of protecting, they suddenly began shooting all other droid-types than the engineer :eek: ! anyone encountered this before?
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by 501st_commander »

the droids throw out Bacta tanks to me all the time. just wallk up to them, shot the once the throw one to heal themselvs, i take it.

Ok, there was this one time on the map I'm making (no al at all just wampas) and i was killing the wampas, i didn't know they captured the cp behind me. I killed one then one spawned behind me and killed me, i was thinking [word not aloud] when that happened.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by yukisuna »

kinetosimpetus wrote:Image
this happened quite a while ago as an actual "moment" so i recorded me doing it on purpose today :D
and that dark jedi thought he got away :funny2:

ha ha, i laughed my head off when i saw that! i did it one time with a friend, my character were lying on the ground and he were in the start of the killing slash when "the rocket returned"!
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by GangsterJawa »

What weapon is that? Is it a mod? Because there's 281 shots left, and it tracked very effectively...
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by B-1Burt »

Once on Endor I was a sniper, I never died though I was shot at by an AT-ST. At the end screen I got over 60 kills with sniper alone. <That was BF1.
Again on Endor(BF2 this time)I was a Rebel Soldier, I got on a speeder. Rode to the bunker a the end of the map, captured that CP. Got Han Solo, spawned at the bunker, rode to the AT-ST CP, fought of a bunch of stormies. Captured that CP, an AT-ST walked up and after dodging his lasers started slicing. Sliced it, got in the AT-ST and killed the pilots, and rode of into the sunset/victory.
The whole battle lasted less than two minutes.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by kinetosimpetus »

GangsterJawa wrote:What weapon is that? Is it a mod? Because there's 281 shots left, and it tracked very effectively...
Yes, one of my many 20% completed mods
Thats a heavy repeating rifle
The unit is slightly overpowered... In every way
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by GangsterJawa »

kinetosimpetus wrote:
GangsterJawa wrote:What weapon is that? Is it a mod? Because there's 281 shots left, and it tracked very effectively...
Yes, one of my many 20% completed mods
Thats a heavy repeating rifle
The unit is slightly overpowered... In every way
Ya don't say...

Anyway, I was playing Maloss last night capturing an enemy cp when a rancor spawns right over my head. Yeah... :cpu:
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by kinetosimpetus »

once online, i took on three enemy tanks with my own tank, i died, but i destroyed two tanks first

Edit: fxed a typo
Last edited by kinetosimpetus on Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by Fiodis »

Today, while testing an alien unit, I threw a nade. It exploded at the same time my guy decided to say something. It tried to say, with Maul's voice, "I have done as you commanded, Master." The grenade's explosion, along with an unfortunate burst of music, made it come out as, "I am dumb as you commanded, Master."

It was a sheer bonus that I accidentally put four digits in the grenade's push value. It threw me to the far end of the map.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by Ping »

Today, while beta testing elfie's Modern Earth map, I saw a bunch of prisoners coming toward me, about half a dozen to ten of them perhaps. Then, while I was shooting wildly, I hit an explosive barrel and killed almost all of them. It was really cool to watch them fly everywhere.
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by destructo_bot »

Ping wrote:Today, while beta testing elfie's Modern Earth map, I saw a bunch of prisoners coming toward me, about half a dozen to ten of them perhaps. Then, while I was shooting wildly, I hit an explosive barrel and killed almost all of them. It was really cool to watch them fly everywhere.
Ah yes, the mighty explosive barrel. One of the most destructive gaming clichés :P
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Re: Gaming Moments

Post by Darth_Spiderpig »

One time on Geonosis: I was a republic sniper one the republic AT-TE spawn point. It stands 1:1. a lot of Geonosians were still around and somewhere there must be one remaining CIS unit. My health was down and I saw one Geonosian running straight towards me. I aimed and fired. What happened? The Geonosian jumped and flied up in the moment i shot. :x
I thinked:"Oida, so a nega, was muss der jetz fliegn?" ( that is Austrian, here in English:"Man, why have this stupid bug to fly yet?"). But wonder o wonder, my shoot nailed a sniper droid. VICTORY :faint: :D
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