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Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:51 pm
by guru
putting a game online , browser based rpg, you can pick a race and class from star wars universe, buy homes, work, kill people, collect spice, go mining for spice, earn credits doing off jobs, train in professions, level up, get rich , you name it, register and test it out, many things will be changing in it this week so please be advised credits, spice amounts, costs of pets, homes, ships, speeders may be changing until beta is over in a week. Test it out and let me know thoughts, feedback, many images dont load for items amd pets and homes or vehicle storage areas , those are being fixed now.

anyway check it out , register , no spam will be sent, play it enjoy and post your ideas here


Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:54 am
by Anakin
Gonna test it when i have the time. When i registered i noticed that there are no pictures shown up. I'm using the chromium edge

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:09 am
by LitFam
Thank you for creating this Guru. It looks very interesting, looking forward to putting some time into this.

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 8:29 am
by guru
I am adding images and screen shots today. Items and several vehicles and homes will be updated wi th their images today. Thanks for checking it out it will hell with feedback

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 5:34 am
by Anakin
nice, can we have a racoon as pet please ? :mrgreen:

the arrows to browse the vehicles do not work.

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 9:16 am
by guru
I’m still adding more vehicles , right now speeder is only available before I add more pix , raccoon probably won’t happen as those pets are all from Star Wars universe

Adding a lot of items picks after I get back Monday

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 4:15 am
by Anakin
all right, can you please adjust the cost/gain values?

When you work, you loos enegery. If you want to get it back with food/drink you need to pay more then you got for the work. So no chance to earn money. or is there another way to get energy?


ok while the +10 energy gave me acutally +100, a +5 gave me +5 on the first and +35 for the 2nd use, something does not work there
And how does the interupt work? It did give me back a little money i spend, but i had no efforts, such as half of the life gain or something like that


a auto collect would be usefull. Specially for the properties. You won't press every minute collect. Or at least it should continue generating money and you collect the amount of a multiple timeslots at once.
Also a keep signed in would be nice


I improved my speeder, but it's not shown on the pod race page
and i cannot fight anymore. it tells me there is no one to fight ATM, although it works for others

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:08 pm
by Benoz
I bought myself the "Structures Vendor" and it says I receive +50c every 15min. The thing is after I came back to the game after a few hours it only gave me the money when I clicked "Collect" and it only gave me 50c so it didn't stack over time. Isn't it supposed to do that?

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 6:09 pm
by guru
You have to be present.... so for instance a job or vendor works for 24 hours you can come back and there will be 24 hours of your earnings saved after a day but on cheaper stuff Lowe levels has 15 minutes or 45 minutes that goes say every 15 or 45 minute you would come back that often to capitalize on the payout much like FarmVille, plant a corn, it grows when you came and watered it then after that or have corn every so often based on its timer , people who save money longer and fight or race can buy a vendor or mine Ans make a ton more money wirh long return timers. I will try to add details to each item this week so it’s not so confusing and cryptic. I’m glad you enjoy playing I could use endless feedback anytime

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 6:36 pm
by guru

I am working on bots that collect loot from creatures fights bots that collect from harvesters and such those are down the toad more, I’m adding some new stuff tonight I’d like to get values lower on credits and spice so there aren’t jillions of credits for some fancy items coming up so I’ll need to rebalance a lot of stuff soon

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 5:07 am
by Anakin
guru wrote:
Mon May 18, 2020 6:09 pm
You have to be present.... so for instance a job or vendor works for 24 hours you can come back and there will be 24 hours of your earnings saved after a day but on cheaper stuff Lowe levels has 15 minutes or 45 minutes that goes say every 15 or 45 minute you would come back that often to capitalize on the payout much like FarmVille, plant a corn, it grows when you came and watered it then after that or have corn every so often based on its timer , people who save money longer and fight or race can buy a vendor or mine Ans make a ton more money wirh long return timers. I will try to add details to each item this week so it’s not so confusing and cryptic. I’m glad you enjoy playing I could use endless feedback anytime
I understand this. But let's do some calculations on the Spice Mining Facility.
Cost: 5500$
income: 5$
time: 8 minutes

5500$/5$ = 1100 * 8 min = 8800 min ~= 147h ~= 6 days non stop collecting every 8 minutes. That will never pay back.

I have an idea that may work.
You can pay a Property manager who collects your money.
1) you pay him once, but this will end up in unending money after short time
2) you pay him with 10%, 20%, 30% of your income, maybe staggered. At first you pay him 30% and with one time bought upgrades you pay him less?

in addition this money will be in your pocket and this can be stolen by fights (increase the money you can take using percentages and really take the money of the other user), so if you are not active and invest your money/put it on the bank, others will take your money.
That way you avoid "camper" who just bought some properties and stay some weeks inactive to generate money.

Some more problems:

==energy cost/gain===============================================================================
if you calculate the more expensive energery regain stuff with the money they cost, it's not worth to buy the expensive once.
Example the cheapest drink cost 250$ and gives you 5 energy.
The most expensive one cost 4200$ and gives you 40 energy.
Compare 250$ * (40/5) = 2000$. you'd pay less then the half of the energy price if you are using the cheaper once.

How about expensive energy regain single use and automatic energy regain using cheaper permanent items?
So 1 up to 5 energy every hour? this would be on the maximum level 20 hours to restore the whole energy. if you want it to be faster you need to invest one time elements.

== store =======================================================================================
when you bought a drink you are moved the the Hats page, so if you want to restore multiple drinks/foods you always need to switch back to the drinks/food page. Can you make it stay on the tab you where using previous?

== pod race ====================================================================================
i improved my speeder and the values show up in the garage but on the race page all speeders are equal.
further the spice gain does not always work. it tells me i got 2 spice, but i did not
and i got energy back when doing a race :funny2:

== fight=========================================================================================
it always tells me no one is in the arena, although there are people. haven't fight a person the last days. it simply stopped working for me -.-

improvement ideas:

how about less energy cost the more intelligent you are? i don''t know what intelligent is even needed for


not sure if you are aware of all the new modding tools @guru, but using my mesh viewer you can take screenshots from all swbf2 meshs without background and if the meshes support it you can even activate normal/spec maps. So you can easily generate pictures that have no copyright on it. here an example:

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 9:16 am
by guru
I love the feedback it will
Make the game way better , for fights the level you are if others are 9 levels lower or higher I set it to not allow attack but I can alter that, I’m also adding an explore option that allows you to fight random creatures and loot their belongings, daily that list will change and repopulate like wilderness

I’ve been checking the spice and stats I need to raise the prizes in the Please remove this may be spam too, but they do work if you refresh , I can double check now about credits and energy coming back mid battle/race

I do need to make number
Changes on properties and items for now items are mostly prenamed but no updates to pix or usage yet as most are in the wrong categories ie drinkable hats

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 11:30 am
by Benoz
First off some feedback (I don't know if some of this stuff has already been reported):

- Sometimes items in the shop display wrong values. After buying a drink for 500c it didn't subtract the amount but actually gave it to me. Furthermore it didn't replenish my energy +10 but +100.
- Anakins right that some items still need value tweaking. I find it a bit expensive to buy something for 250c that replenishes +5 energy. Maybe this will be countered on higher levels though.

- Maybe it's just me but I kinda think the working hours are a bit too long. It's true that you gain a lot of credits after finishing work, but in the meantime I have very limited options on what else to do in the game (and I definitely want to do more :))

- I think the description about Anchorhead doesn't do justice. It says "you can play if you are bold", but when I see what's at stake it's not that interesting anymore. For a spin that costs me 320c I can max gain not even the double. Maybe add a special high valued price with a low chance of getting and add some more rivets.

Now for the other thing: Maybe I'm reaching but I could imagine a new selectable category with a large Tatooine map where you can select where you want to live. Depending on the specs of the location there are local buffs/nerfs. E.g. you can only hunt that monster in this area, or you can only trade with these people if you live in that area, or you can't take part on higher priced Pod Races (if there's pod racing leagues/higher priced races planned) if you live too far away. You need speeders to get to other places quickly. When you want to move to another location to benefit from the buffs there, you must wait real time hours again. You can buy multiple houses all around the map. This could be very interesting as you can expand the map borders and specifications further and further. You could for example live in Mos Espa but buy land somewhere where the ground is fertile and start a moisture farm. There's a chance that local pirates may attack your farm so when you get the message (let's say from your droid there) you need to get on your speeder and move there to have a higher chance of defending it. This function also gives importance to the players location, so to assure maximum profit you always need to counter attacks. Seeing how this can be difficult while at work or at training, you can hire a mercenary or guard to sort of expand your "family/clan". Their only function is to move around your locations and defend them against raiders. It's a lot of work I know that but I think some ideas are worth keeping in mind for the later roadmap ;)

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:54 pm
by guru
Anakin wrote:
Wed May 13, 2020 2:54 am
Gonna test it when i have the time. When i registered i noticed that there are no pictures shown up. I'm using the chromium edge
I have now updated all character there are now 15 choices when you join and each have description and pics

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:58 pm
by guru
Anakin wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 5:07 am
guru wrote:
Mon May 18, 2020 6:09 pm
You have to be present.... so for instance a job or vendor works for 24 hours you can come back and there will be 24 hours of your earnings saved after a day but on cheaper stuff Lowe levels has 15 minutes or 45 minutes that goes say every 15 or 45 minute you would come back that often to capitalize on the payout much like FarmVille, plant a corn, it grows when you came and watered it then after that or have corn every so often based on its timer , people who save money longer and fight or race can buy a vendor or mine Ans make a ton more money wirh long return timers. I will try to add details to each item this week so it’s not so confusing and cryptic. I’m glad you enjoy playing I could use endless feedback anytime
I understand this. But let's do some calculations on the Spice Mining Facility.
Cost: 5500$
income: 5$
time: 8 minutes

5500$/5$ = 1100 * 8 min = 8800 min ~= 147h ~= 6 days non stop collecting every 8 minutes. That will never pay back.

I have an idea that may work.
You can pay a Property manager who collects your money.
1) you pay him once, but this will end up in unending money after short time
2) you pay him with 10%, 20%, 30% of your income, maybe staggered. At first you pay him 30% and with one time bought upgrades you pay him less?

in addition this money will be in your pocket and this can be stolen by fights (increase the money you can take using percentages and really take the money of the other user), so if you are not active and invest your money/put it on the bank, others will take your money.
That way you avoid "camper" who just bought some properties and stay some weeks inactive to generate money.

Some more problems:

==energy cost/gain===============================================================================
if you calculate the more expensive energery regain stuff with the money they cost, it's not worth to buy the expensive once.
Example the cheapest drink cost 250$ and gives you 5 energy.
The most expensive one cost 4200$ and gives you 40 energy.
Compare 250$ * (40/5) = 2000$. you'd pay less then the half of the energy price if you are using the cheaper once.

How about expensive energy regain single use and automatic energy regain using cheaper permanent items?
So 1 up to 5 energy every hour? this would be on the maximum level 20 hours to restore the whole energy. if you want it to be faster you need to invest one time elements.

== store =======================================================================================
when you bought a drink you are moved the the Hats page, so if you want to restore multiple drinks/foods you always need to switch back to the drinks/food page. Can you make it stay on the tab you where using previous?

== pod race ====================================================================================
i improved my speeder and the values show up in the garage but on the race page all speeders are equal.
further the spice gain does not always work. it tells me i got 2 spice, but i did not
and i got energy back when doing a race :funny2:

== fight=========================================================================================
it always tells me no one is in the arena, although there are people. haven't fight a person the last days. it simply stopped working for me -.-

improvement ideas:

how about less energy cost the more intelligent you are? i don''t know what intelligent is even needed for


not sure if you are aware of all the new modding tools @guru, but using my mesh viewer you can take screenshots from all swbf2 meshs without background and if the meshes support it you can even activate normal/spec maps. So you can easily generate pictures that have no copyright on it. here an example:

i dont have dropbox but that sounds interesting for game usage, tell me more how to impliment.

****** i have adjusted all items to their correct values and categories as of now, pics are still coming, but each item works as intended now.

I have also changed the buidlings so the names make more sense and they pay so that all buildings give a decent payout

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 8:01 pm
by guru
The66Order66 wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 11:30 am
First off some feedback (I don't know if some of this stuff has already been reported):

- Sometimes items in the shop display wrong values. After buying a drink for 500c it didn't subtract the amount but actually gave it to me. Furthermore it didn't replenish my energy +10 but +100.
- Anakins right that some items still need value tweaking. I find it a bit expensive to buy something for 250c that replenishes +5 energy. Maybe this will be countered on higher levels though.

- Maybe it's just me but I kinda think the working hours are a bit too long. It's true that you gain a lot of credits after finishing work, but in the meantime I have very limited options on what else to do in the game (and I definitely want to do more :))

- I think the description about Anchorhead doesn't do justice. It says "you can play if you are bold", but when I see what's at stake it's not that interesting anymore. For a spin that costs me 320c I can max gain not even the double. Maybe add a special high valued price with a low chance of getting and add some more rivets.

Now for the other thing: Maybe I'm reaching but I could imagine a new selectable category with a large Tatooine map where you can select where you want to live. Depending on the specs of the location there are local buffs/nerfs. E.g. you can only hunt that monster in this area, or you can only trade with these people if you live in that area, or you can't take part on higher priced Pod Races (if there's pod racing leagues/higher priced races planned) if you live too far away. You need speeders to get to other places quickly. When you want to move to another location to benefit from the buffs there, you must wait real time hours again. You can buy multiple houses all around the map. This could be very interesting as you can expand the map borders and specifications further and further. You could for example live in Mos Espa but buy land somewhere where the ground is fertile and start a moisture farm. There's a chance that local pirates may attack your farm so when you get the message (let's say from your droid there) you need to get on your speeder and move there to have a higher chance of defending it. This function also gives importance to the players location, so to assure maximum profit you always need to counter attacks. Seeing how this can be difficult while at work or at training, you can hire a mercenary or guard to sort of expand your "family/clan". Their only function is to move around your locations and defend them against raiders. It's a lot of work I know that but I think some ideas are worth keeping in mind for the later roadmap ;)
check out the shops just now, they are in the correct spots now, some are single use some give permament boosts!

if you spot some items that have unusable values let me know but i think ive balanced them to be useful and fair for now

I like the idea of locations and planets, not sure how to do the defense and fighting part but its could happen sooner than later.

Please keep up the testing and let me know how to make it more fun.

Also ive made the Please remove this may be spam more worthwhile and more prizes.

Again if you spot work or payouts that just dont seem balanced please let me know thats how we can get this working , fair and playable and most of all FUN!

I think creature battles and loot would be good and maybe crafting so people can make things while they wait for jobs to complete? thoughts?

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:26 am
by Anakin
guru wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 7:58 pm

i dont have dropbox but that sounds interesting for game usage, tell me more how to impliment.

****** i have adjusted all items to their correct values and categories as of now, pics are still coming, but each item works as intended now.

I have also changed the buidlings so the names make more sense and they pay so that all buildings give a decent payout
well, can't you download the pic without registering for dropbox?

Here is the tool

How to use it:
  • use the open button or just drag and drop a msh file on the window, like the old mesh viewer.
  • 2nd button for taking screenshots
  • the next button group controls the camera movement. For the first you can move the element in the world, the 2nd holds the element in the center and you can rotate the camera around the object while keeping the look always to the center (this is actually the most usefull one). The third one is like gameplay. you can walk and rotate the camera, while the object is fix in the world
  • button 6 toggles the face visibility, so switch between wireframe and solid
  • button 7 turns the light on/off. If off the object is all light up. If it is on, you can vary the light reduction per distance, the light comes just from one direction (use the key "L" to position the light source at your current camera position. So you can for example position the light on the top, but take a screenshot from the side) and normal/spec maps are applied as well as glowing. Transparency works, too.
  • use the settings button to specify light settings, colors,...
  • the info window shows you all the "nice to know" things of the mesh and highlights missing textures files


did you add a win guarantee for yourself guru ? :funny2:

those pics show my speeder stats in the garage,
my and your stats in a race
and my vs duskwin's stats in a race.

Looks like your values are the upper limit

(not that i complain about a better acceleration :mrgreen:

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 6:22 am
by Benoz
Hey guru could you look into the following issue: It seems while I was working a job you updated the jobs available and now my character is stuck at work xD
Like I don't see the original job anymore that I started working, so I can not retrieve my money and now I'm not able to start a new job or fight or do anything else.

Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 6:55 am
by guru
I upgraded my speeder in my vehicle storage it allows you to use credits to raise speeder stats to whatever you like if you pay

I’ll fix the jobs thing now I see the issue


Re: Beta Testers wanted! Tatooine Life needs you!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 7:21 am
by Anakin
my speeder still does not show the correct values when in the pod race.