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Hi I'm new here

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:16 pm
by Fusion
...Is what I should have posted 10 years ago, but instead I immediately started trying to attach myself to the nearest big project. I do kinda regret not getting to know some of the people that were already here better, now that they're out there in the world away from GT, but who knows what could have gone differently had I done that.

It's been a long 10 years. From random guy posting bugs in the Conversion Pack, to lead tester, to mod, to r/atheism before it existed, to a final, desperate effort to get people to switch to one game again. It's weird to look back on how different the internet was then. When I joined, Youtube's video count was in the thousands, now, it's possible to make a living there... if you started in 2010. Sites like this were common, but now, there's very few left and most of us have taken to Facebook, Reddit, or other mega-sites to talk about games.

I've met so many of my current and past friends here and through people here. When I joined, I was an awkward teenager going through medical malpractice and had a lot of hate for the things that I believed to have maliciously lied to me about the world. I was arrogant, angry, and wanted to take it out on others, but some of the people here (Tean, Thire, Z13, Epena, Elmo, -_-) kept me grounded. They even modded me. Which brings me to my next question: DEAR GOD WHY? If game sites ever come back in a big way, promise me this, never mod anyone under 18. It's just a bad idea.

But anyways, thanks GT. You've shaped my life more than I'd care to admit.

Re: Hi I'm new here

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:25 pm
by Twilight_Warrior

Re: Hi I'm new here

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:02 pm
by guru
Nice and good to see ya!