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The Giver

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:59 am
by Marth8880
So I guess apparently The Giver is being made into a film...and yet the main character isn't even being cast as a kid. *sigh* :roll:

To quote a YouTube commenter (warning: hilarious but excessive profanity follows),
"Are you Diet Dr. Pepper serious? This was one of my favourite books when I was a kid. The world is supposed to be BLACK AND WHITE! The boy is supposed to be 12 or something. This looks NOTHING like the book. I'm going to Diet Dr. Pepper a brick. Pretty much the only kid's book adaptation that came close to getting it right was the Harry Potter series... I feel personally violated by this trailer. It's like Hollywood just Diet Dr. Pepper all over the pages of this young adult classic. I pity the 8 to 13 year old kids who will have the story ruined for them when this monstrosity hits theatres. Good Diet Dr. Pepper grief."

So as to not be a Darth Vader Downer, I guess I can say I hope the best for the film and I hope it turns out just fine, despite all the...wrongness of it.