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Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:14 am
by Teancum
Moving_Target wrote:Brilliant. Absolutely fantastic. Even as a stand alone movie. Just wow. My mind is blown.

Go. See. It.
Seconded. This was far and away the best movie translation of the books. Theatrically it was a masterpiece.

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:30 pm
by CressAlbane
I watched it and thought it was excellent.
One qualm: (spoilers for the book)
Harry didn't repair his old wand with the elder wand!

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:34 am
by DeathRow
CressAlbane wrote:I watched it and thought it was excellent.
One qualm: (spoilers for the book)
Harry didn't repair his old wand with the elder wand!
Yeah, little things like that kinda annoyed me but I shrugged it off at the overall movie. It was absolutely fantastic.

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:32 pm
by EraOfDesann
I was a little irritated that we didn't get better closure with Dumbledore and his backstory. They introduced Aberforth (and the Rita Skeeter biography in Part I) and alluded to his sister but they never went anywhere with it. Considering that Part II was the shortest movie of the series, it's a little puzzling that they didn't just add another half hour or so to fill in the holes.

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:24 pm
by skelltor
EraOfDesann wrote:I was a little irritated that we didn't get better closure with Dumbledore and his backstory. They introduced Aberforth (and the Rita Skeeter biography in Part I) and alluded to his sister but they never went anywhere with it. Considering that Part II was the shortest movie of the series, it's a little puzzling that they didn't just add another half hour or so to fill in the holes.
QFT I agree with all you said :)

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:23 am
by Hebes24
I'm going to see it this afternnon. I'm looking forward to it!

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:30 am
by SBF_Dann_Boeing
Since I was busy with an internship I haven't had a chance to see this film until tonight. It was absolutely spectacular. I have a few gripes here and there, but honestly those gripes are small. This was the only case where I enjoyed the movie much more than the book. It really picked up a lot of the parts of the book that I thought be fair...lacking. For example, I absolutely hated the epilogue in the book, but absolutely loved it in the film. All the acting was superb, as was the script & the handling of the plot overall. I was particularly wowed by a couple scenes I won't go into detail about involving Snape. Each character I could think of had the spotlight somewhere along the line, which I'm sure the actors who portrayed them enjoyed (the ones playing the students in particular, since they've been working on this film franchise for half of their lives now). I can't decide whether I enjoyed this movie more than all the others (this is all on a relative scale since I was only around 12 or 13 when the first of them came out, and much more easily impressed/entertained). If I were to watch each of them now, which I'll probably do at some point, I'd have to go with either Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, or this. For now I may say goblet of fire, but I may change my mind later, who knows. Picking favorites is all relative, I enjoyed them all.

On the subject of what they left out, keep in mind it isn't always the length of the movie they are trying to trim down. When they are adapting the book they have to be wary of what they add, as not everything that works on a book works in film, and vice-versa. They made a point of alluding to certain things without going into much detail; had they done so, I think that would have dragged the movie down a bit. It was trying to tackle a rather convoluted plot already with trying to explained how the horcruxes and wand-owner business worked. I think that they said what needed to be said about Dumbledore's backstory and left it at that. The thing about making movies is that just because something didn't appear onscreen doesn't mean it didn't happen in the canon of the franchise. I wouldn't go picking through every detail of the events described in the book, as that would drag a movie that has already been spread across two parts to even greater lengths than necessary. I think they have done an adequate job with this, as they've gone into more detail with these two last films towards the books than they have with any of the others. (Just imagine what would have been like if every movie was in two parts; yikes!)

Overall, it was a very good ending to a long and enduring franchise. Let's hope that they keep it that way.

Re: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:28 am
by EraOfDesann
SBF_Dann_Boeing wrote:They made a point of alluding to certain things without going into much detail; had they done so, I think that would have dragged the movie down a bit. It was trying to tackle a rather convoluted plot already with trying to explained how the horcruxes and wand-owner business worked. I think that they said what needed to be said about Dumbledore's backstory and left it at that. The thing about making movies is that just because something didn't appear onscreen doesn't mean it didn't happen in the canon of the franchise.
I get what you're saying but I disagree with you about Dumbledore's backstory. It adds a lot to his character and makes him a bit more multidimensional. Introducing Rita Skeeter's book, Aberforth and the portrait of Ariana without following up on the story behind it all doesn't make much sense and anyone who hasn't read the book will be left scratching their head. They could have easily wrapped up that storyline during the King's Cross scene (which I thought was a bit underwhelming because it lacked the emotional punch that it had in the book) in a few minutes or so. The movie is still fantastic but dropping that storyline after Harry says "I don't care about what happened between you and your brother" and never mentioning it again is lazy.