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Unorthadox mod map Competition

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:23 pm
by Ateas
Hidy-Ho. :D

Not that anyone would noticed, or cared (scince I dont mod or add much to the community) but a while ago, I left to play Jedi academy and it's mods. And one thing I noticed about JA mod maps was that most of them had special features and secrets to explore, as opposed to the simple slaughter festival found in most Swbf2 maps.

Upon the release of such maps like Operation: Ferret Master by archer01, The Pwnfest by theITfactor, the various quest-filled maps of MetalcoreRancor, and the upcoming Raltiir map by Maveritchel, I regained interest once again in the Swbf series. If skilled modders such as these can create such great works of art, how good can a map like this be when they compete against each other? :wink:

-If you wish to take part in this competition, either say so in this topic or pm me, and I'll add you in. The deadline to enter is August 30th.
-When you finish with your map, PM the link to me and I'll put up all the links once the contest is over.
-If you wish to enter and you do not know how to do scripts, ZE animations, or whatever skill it would take to make your map work, then see if someone who does can help you. Teamwork!*
-Modded sides are preferred, but not required.
-There should be at least some form of combat included in the map- I only said I was bored with solely combat mods, not the combat itself. :wink:
-Deadline is January 15, 2008. I just pulled this off the top of my head, so if anyone thinks this is too early, or too late, tell me.

It's 10:24 here in America, and I am tired and ready for bed, so I may think up another rule or two tomorrow. Meanwhile, just follow the rules above and You should be good.

*Find someone and/or youre team to help you before August 30. If you cannot at least make a decent map, don't bother entering. That may sound a bit harsh, but I want this to be a competition between experienced modders.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:48 pm
by Maveritchell
Couple quick tips: Jan. '08 is far too late; I guarantee that people will lose interest before then. Also, don't ostracize newer modders, as they are:
a) More likely to want to enter, and
b) Able to surprise you. Vyse's first map was Hyrule Field. archer's was Yavin: Arroyo Pass. Both of those are better than most of the maps that are coming out now.