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Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:04 pm
by minilogoguy18

ok riggin is done and i tested all the deformation and got it as good as its gonna be with only 3 bones per vertice rule. the thing is, her transforms are all messed up even though in XSI they are correct. i dont really know how to add her into a test map at all so ill have to learn cause i nearly forgot everything after leaving these games alone cause of not getting animations to work. im gonna try and email Fred about this because ive seen him post shots of unit models that he got in game as well as saturn V.

EDIT: dont mind the triangle count at the top, the clone mesh and sv_jettrooper were hidden and still in the scene when i took that render :P

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:07 pm
by Teancum
If you can't figure out sides, just export the msh, then PM me the MSH and textures. I'll send you back a side.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:09 pm
by minilogoguy18
well actually i got it but its just that shes all messed up when i export, maybe its cause im using aylas animations with a SWBF1 skeleton???? i REALLY need to talk to someone whos actually done this before...

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:20 pm
by Teancum
Even though she's muffed up, the messed up mesh still moves, right?

Just checking to see if we've made it that far... You're the first to do so I believe.

If you're using Aayla's skeleton, you may have to go BF2 only. I don't really know for sure.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:21 pm
by drummerzoid1
yeah that's probly why, because swbfII rigs are different, oh and a question can the xsi mod tools work with the plug-in?

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:44 pm
by Teancum
Pandemic is fixing the plugin so that it will, but no word yet on when the fix will be released. It's just one guy working on fixing all the stuff wrong in the tools. Maybe two, I forget.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:03 pm
by Guest
Nice! But Asajj has absolutely white eyes.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:14 pm
by PAN-Fnord
Note: Our graphics programmer tells me that BF2 PC can only do 1 bone per vertex skinning - 3-per was disabled for some reason or other.

Mike Z

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:15 pm
by minilogoguy18
na only in the CW cartoon and i hated that look for her, this is a model my friend made so dont give me the credit, im just rigging it for SWBF2 casue it was originally a JKA model. but ill look in bconstructor and see what things are different to see if theres any added bones, the only ones id imagine are the head tails and thats something thats a seperate file and not part of the base skeleton just like the capes.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:27 pm
by Teancum
Well, BF2 crashes with her, mini. I'll keep looking into it.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:31 pm
by Mikey_bizzle441
wow good work! is she gonna have custom animations also?

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:41 pm
by Teancum
What!?!?! Can it be??? I give you Asajj Ventress!

@ Mini -- great job on her. As you can see, she's got a few errors, but I have her in-game using Aayla's sabers and whatnot, which I'll fix. In the meantime we'll try to figure out what screws up her face.

Oh, and now that we know how to get new models in, you know we'll be calling on you more, mini.


RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:43 pm
by minilogoguy18
thanks fnord i knew that was the problem! but the aniguide said that in the MSH's .option file that we could define it as -softskin to allow 3 bones per vertice :( fnord is probably right but it just doesnt seem like the unit models are only using rigid enveloping cause it really makes ugly deformations when you do it that way...

EDIT: man teancum you mustve posted the exact sime time as i did XD
i know whats wrong with her face and ill fix it along with her wrists bein kinda funny. the face is cause there were some unwelded edges and i can see that in msh files that the merge tolerence is reall high which would make them weld easily like that and its also why models are messed up in ms3d. teancum feel free to contact me on msn since the one on my profile isnt a fake :P

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:45 pm
by Teancum
Fnord?? lol

Well, the skirt doesn't look that bad, really. It's the face that's strange.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:54 pm
by Schizo
Holy guacamole! Now this is something. An actual successful user-made unit in BFII. Amazing. Once you fix the face and the wrists, should be good to go. I mean... man... amazing. Looks pretty Diet Dr. Pepper cool. This'll definitely be a nice addon for some of our user-made maps; if you ask me, this looks waaaay better than the actual official Asajj from the Xbox expansion.

But, might I be able to help in any way? I, myself, am pretty good at ODF-work. I could probably give her some red-colored lightsabers and wip up some cool Force powers for you to use, maybe... :wink: Just let me know, Tean or Mini.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:57 pm
by Teancum
Consider youself added, mini. I've got her red lightsabers working correctly now. Heck, we could even use her saber models someone made for JA if we can convert them.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:59 pm
by Schizo
Oh, well, nevermind the ODF work then. Looks like you already took care of the red sabers (it's really easy to do anyway...). But, still, you want me to work on some new Force Powers? Force Crush? Force Wave? I could probably do it.

EDIT: Well, I was able to make Force Crush fairly successfully. I simply edited the Force Choke's ODF so that it'll kill normal units in one shot, but uses up all your stamina every time you use it, so it balances quite nicely. Though, I really wish I could port in some kind of bone-crunching sound so it really sounds like you're crushing your opponent. I also wish I could make a custom animation so that it'd be similar to KotOR II's Force Crush (lifts units off the ground and literally snaps 'em in half like a twig). But, that's a litte out of our league, isn't it? Ah well. I'll work on it though. If you want the ODF, Tean, I'll send it to you. Though, it's not fully complete yet.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:58 pm
by Epena
Yeah, having that ownage force-crush would require adding an animation to each model....wouldn't it?

Good luck. ;)

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:00 pm
by Schizo
Not necessarily. Right now it's simply using just the basic Force Choke animation. But, I would like to give it some custom animation, but that's nearly impossible to do. Unless someone can somehow create an entirely new animation with all the bones and everything, I don't think it's possible.

But, for now, the Force Choke animation is the best we got. I still need to tweak it though.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:50 pm
by Epena

I was saif they'd actually snap in half.

So sad, because that was by far my favorite force power.