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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:18 am
by olivierrino
minilogoguy18 how can you make such a cool model can you give me a tutorial of how to make a cool model. plz I really wanna learn it
I have XSI with that battlefront 2 exporter.

ps I really like your model can I download it some where

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:32 am
by OOM-9
gah question, I KNOW I saw a huge compilation of cool JA clone models, everything from Commander Cody to Bly, to basic EP2 clones and even a AT-RT soldier.

Who posted that and where did that link go? I'll be importing those ASAP as soon as I can find them and get the artist's permission.

Someone help me find those models :P


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:39 am
by EraOfDesann
I think this is what you're looking for: ... tima;53471

Re: Model

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:45 am
by Lord-Bandu
olivierrino wrote:minilogoguy18 how can you make such a cool model can you give me a tutorial of how to make a cool model. plz I really wanna learn it
I have XSI with that battlefront 2 exporter.

ps I really like your model can I download it some where

I take it you just looked at the pic? he didnt make this model...only ported it from JA.

Altho he's probably more than capable of making a character model like that need to start off small and work your wqay up to character modeling

AS for those JA clone models .... is it just me or are the arms a little short?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:47 am
by Kyross
Ohh. Looks a lot like neomarz' model. Which friend made it? ;o

I know the clones ultima was also by neomarz.

It's a good model but I think the head is a bit out of proportion with the bust.

Maybe she should have mind trick as a force power. She kept dissapearing and hiding in trees and such when fighting Anakin on Yavin, it would be fitting. Stealth suits her better than stuff like force choke I'd think, but I didn't see much of the clone wars series.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:08 pm
by olivierrino
Ok thanks but now I have another question how can I get it into the game I really want to know and if you want to say that I have to read the guide with the mod tools I don't have anything on that because I don't understand it compleetly

ps How can I import a pk3 file into xsi or 3ds max

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:45 pm
by minilogoguy18
i meant my friend made it as in marz is my friend and i talk to him on occasion. you cant import a pk3 into anything its a zip file with a folder structure to it and you have to open it and extract the model from it. and as far as 3ds max goes you cant use it top export .msh files to SWF2, you have to use XSI. oh and forget about the force wave, i made it myself already and it works. i mainly did this model because neomarz said i could use it and i was just using it to see if i could pull off getting a working player model in SWBF2, teancum helped alot with the scripts. he gave me the side for her and after digging through all the files i understand how to do it on my own now. what im gonna be doing after this is kotor player models and vehicles, teancum suggested i should do the sith trooper first but darth sion is alot easier of a model so im gonna start with him since im pretty good at modeling muscular characters. it might be awhile till asajj is released just because the shoulders dont work right and i have to redo the face a bit more and also i want the make her skirt into a full physique cloth mesh instead of being rigged to the leg bones cause it looks like crap that way.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:58 pm
by olivierrino
ok but then I come to a .glm file xsi cant open. or a .skin file he also cant open

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:15 pm
by Krun
I think there was already a post on this, but you would first need to extract the files from the pk3. just change the .pk3 extension to .zip and use winzip to extract the files. Then you will need an import program that supports importing .glm (Ghoul2) file formats, they have one for 3ds Max, don't know about the other programs. By the way if you use someone elses player model you should make sure you credit them for the original model.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:31 pm
by Kyross
Dude. This is swbf2, not jka. It doesn't use .glm or .pk3 stuff. It's completely different. --
If you are trying to convert it from JKA there is a souce pack that has .xcsi root files. Then you need XSI foundations with the addon exporter just to get it into .msh format, which is what Battlefront uses.

.skin files are pckets of information rgarding texture placement on a model and are like settings files. You don't open them with the modeling program themselves.

Add on to the fact that Foundations, the only program that can export currently is a $600+ dollar application, I suggest you give up hope now. :)

And Mini, considering you and marz are both modelers and in the JKA community, you two being friends is what I was implying(in case I wasn't ebvious enough).

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:59 pm
by Schizo
minilogoguy18 wrote:PM me the force power and ill send you the model if i like the power.
I already sent the Force Wave power to Teancum, so he has it. He said once you worked out the kinks in the model and got it all sorted out, he'd let me try it out and play with her. Though, I would like the model for some future maps... :wink:

Kyross wrote:Maybe she should have mind trick as a force power. She kept dissapearing and hiding in trees and such when fighting Anakin on Yavin, it would be fitting. Stealth suits her better than stuff like force choke I'd think, but I didn't see much of the clone wars series.
You know, that's a great idea. I think it'd definitely be possible. I think if I can utilize the Bothan Spy's stealth ability, I can make it into a kinda "Mind Trick" Force power. Though, it'd have to eat up a lot of stamina quickly, for balancing reasons. I'll take a look into it; I think it'd be an awesome power for Asajj to have.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:34 pm
by Kyross
In the common sides folder there is a com_weap_force_mindtrick. I haven't lookd at the Bothan spy cloak yet, but this is probably the parent class for it.


ClassLabel = "invisibility"

IconTexture = "IMP_blasterrifle_icon"

GeometryName = ""
HighResGeometry = ""

//ChargeUpEffect = "com_sfx_chargeup"
//MuzzleFlash = "med_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor = "80 80 255 255"
FlashLength = 0.025
FlashLightColor = "220 220 255 175"
Discharge = "med_smoke_effect"

//RoundsPerClip = "32"
RoundsPerClip = "0"
ReloadTime = "0.0"

HeatPerShot = "5.0" // only allow player to fire every 5 seconds
HeatRecoverRate = "1.0"
HeatThreshold = "0.01"

EnergyDrain = "20.0"
//EnergyDrainRate = "15.0"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.6"

InvisibilityTrigger = "Press"
InvisibilityPersistTime = "5.0"
InvisibilityMax = "0.8"
InvisibilityMin = "0.4"
SpeedForInvisibilityMax = "2.0"
SpeedForInvisibilityMin = "8.0"
InvisibilityIncRate = "0.4"
InvisibilityDecRate = "0.8"

ThrustFactor = "0.5" // when firing, move at half speed
TargetLock = "1" // when firing, activate target lock

//ZoomMin = "2.0"
//ZoomMax = "2.0"
//ZoomRate = "0.0"

//FirePointName = "hp_fire"

ModeTexture = "HUD_weap_semiauto"
//ModeTextureColor = "42 235 42 100"
ReticuleTexture = "reticule_rifle"
ScopeTexture = "weapon_scope2"

OffhandWeapon = 1
InstantPlayFireAnim = 1
TriggerSingle = "1"

LockOnRange = "64.0"
LockTime = "0.0"
AutoAimSize = "2.0"

TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"

TargetPerson = "1"
TargetAnimal = "1"
TargetDroid = "1"
TargetVehicle = "0"
TargetBuilding = "0"

ChargeRateLight = "1.0"
MaxChargeStrengthLight = "1.0"
ChargeDelayLight = "0.0"
ChargeRateHeavy = "1.0"
MaxChargeStrengthHeavy = "0.5"
ChargeDelayHeavy = "2.2"

RecoilLengthHeavy = "0.25"
RecoilStrengthHeavy = "2"
RecoilDecayHeavy = "0.0"

FireSound = "force_mindtrick_fire"
//ReloadSound = ""
WeaponChangeSound = ""
ChangeModeSound = ""
FireEmptySound = ""
ChargeSound = ""
ChargeSoundPitch = "0.05"
OverheatSound = ""
OverheatSoundPitch = "0.5"
OverheatStopSound = ""

//NextCharge = 0.25
//HeatPerShot = "0.6"
//AmmoPerShot = 1

//NextCharge = 0.5
//HeatPerShot = "0.65"
//AmmoPerShot = 2

//NextCharge = 0.75
//HeatPerShot = "0.8"
//AmmoPerShot = 3

//NextCharge = 0.99
//HeatPerShot = "1.0"
//AmmoPerShot = 4

That's from the mind trick file. it would probably work just as well to use the Bothan spy's cloak and relabel it/tweak it to work more appropriately, but I am still getting used to the whole parentclass thing.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:34 pm
by Schizo
I've already tried the mind trick out. It doesn't do anything. No effect on the units at all, from what I can see.

The Bothan Spy thing might be the best way to go. With it, the units wouldn't attack you, and wouldn't even know you're there, kinda like the mind trick. I might even try to make it so you don't turn invisible either, so it really looks like you're "mind tricking" them.

EDIT: Hmm... I gave my Jedi the stealth power, but everytime I use it, the enemy still shoots at me. Doesn't even seem to do anything. I wonder how they were able to do it with the Bothan spy... I'm looking around in the ODF file, but I see nothing that hints to it...

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:48 am
by Tyler_Durden
Hmm nice model. However the eyes look really out of place. If I remember correctly, Asajj didn't have pupils in the Clone Wars cartoon nor the comics. Other than that, some good work.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:12 am
by ethannet
Yeah, Asajj shouldn't have pupils. Other than that, nice model! :D

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:20 am
by Kyross
Schizo, I tried the invisibility too. I think it only works as a primary weapon.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:35 am
by Teancum
Hey Schizo, I just had an idea. With the Force Wave power, try to put in the "Shockwave" effect that happens when, for example Grevious uses his Rage ability. It would add something really nice I think.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:24 am
by Jawa_Killer
hehe i tried in swbf1 to add the geonosian gun ord to force push *you know some waves* but didnt look very well^^

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:10 pm
by Schizo
Teancum wrote:Hey Schizo, I just had an idea. With the Force Wave power, try to put in the "Shockwave" effect that happens when, for example Grevious uses his Rage ability. It would add something really nice I think.
Rightio. I'll try to see what I can do.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:54 pm
by figor007
It is only one suggestion. But you could use the skirt of Leia, modifying the texture of course, to leave the clothes of the Asajj with more movement.

And nice work. I really like this character.