Asajj Ventress

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What force power should Asajj have?

Force Push
Force Pull
Saber Throw
Total votes: 41
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Teancum »

@ JK514 -- no, but we do not have new animations for her. Nobody has made any.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Schizo »

Well... I still think it'd be cool to give her some kinda new Force Power. I mean, Force Crush would be a great choice, but it'd take too much work. Force Lightning is kinda too "Sith-y", as is Choke. Now, here's a real possibility; instead of Force Push, why not Force Wave? Eh? From KotOR. I'm working on figuring out if it's possible to make the Force Push's effects to effect all enemies in a 360 degree radius. So far, I see nothing that might work, but I'm looking, especially in the ord file. That'd probably be the most likely location for it. If I find out how to work it, why not use that? It'd be pretty cool, and make her a little unique. I've always thought the Jedi in the game were way too uniform with their powers... half of the Jedi all have the same powers. I think adding some new powers would be the way to go; it'd add a bit of variety.

(I also really want to help out. I mean, come on. Asajj is my favorite Dark Jedi, and this has got to be the best unit I've seen for BF. If I could even so much as do any ODF work or anything, especially a new Force Power, it'd make me feel like I contributed my share to the project... make me feel like I did something... be part of the "team", you know? ... But don't mind me... >.>)
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Teancum »

Schizo, I'm not opposed to it. Throw together a force power and send it to me. You'll be in the credits.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Schizo »

Alright... anything in particular?

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by saberhagen »

The Push properties in explosion ODFs might help you there. You'd just have to attach an explosion to her somehow. Maybe just make the force wave power an invisible grenade that explodes immediately and does no damage.

Of course everything I know is based on BF1 and some things might have changed, but it could be worth a try.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Schizo »

Definitely worth I shot... nice idea. I'll try it out.
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Teancum »

I liked that 360 thing you were talkinga bout, Schizo. That's a cool force power that is believable for a sith apprentice, and would work for other versions of her, too.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Bulldog »

I'm not a modder and don't know if this is completely idiotic, but there's those area affect things (rally, rage, neurotoxin etc.). What effects could you attach to those? Depending on what's adjustable would that be a way to get force wave?

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Schizo »

I think I might be making some progress on the Force Wave power. I increased the cone angle in the ord file from the default 120 to 400. Now, it seems that when I push, the units on each side of me are effected. I'm going to see if I can increase the number to 1000 and see if it'll affect the units in back of me also. I'm about to test, so I'll post if it works or not.
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by RevanSithLord »

Maybe Force Rage or Force Storm? I don't know. Could also do Force Grip. Maybe even a special added in- Battle Meditation. That's a cool power to have right there. It should increase fire power and health around those in the radius, but in KOTOR it was used to influence armies to win battles. If you get my general idea? That'd be pretty cool bonus to have. Someone could also reskin Anakin to have his battle worn robes shown in the Clone Wars cartoons. I mean since his other, awesome robes, were ripped off. And then Bandu could maybe make a duel map on Yavin? (There's ya another map, Bandu. LOL) Anyway, Battle Meditation could be a cool bonus, along with Force's almost the same as grip, but really it only drains power from people, force power, I think it actually might kill soldiers. :/ Lol.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by PAN-Fnord »

In com_weap_inf_force_push_ord - it's the ordnance that matters - it's a cone. You can increase the radius or angle...
ConeLength = "20"
ConeAngle = "120"
FirstRadius = "0.0"

Just make it 360 (or 270, 360's a bit much) and increase the Push from that same ODF...

Mike Z

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Schizo »

HA HA!! I did it! I finally got it! I edited the Force Push's effect cone to 360 instead of 1000 (1000 was too high, so I tried out 360, like 360 degrees in a circle), and it finally works. It affects all units around you, to the front, sides, back, etc. It's cool. Now, I just gotta tweak it a bit. Make it eat up a lot of stamina, edit the push length a bit, etc. But, for now, I've been able to accomplish the basic element of the power, which is affecting all units around it. So, I'll probably be done with it very soon. :D

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Y2g2006 »

My vote went to Saber Throw, but if yall can get a cool, and unique, force power made... I'm all for it. More power to ya. :lol:
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Teancum »

Yeah! The 360 sounds good for the Sith Hopeful and Sith Apprentice versions of Asajj. I think the Padawan version will have saber throw, since it got the most votes.
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by RevanSithLord »

Schizo, does that mean if you use it, all enemies repel from you? As in you force pushed all of them basically? Just wondering lol. Force Area Push sounds like a cool power. Lol Can become quite useful! ;)

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Schizo »

Basically. It's like Force Push on all sides. I'll need to increase the amount of units it can push though. I'll just put something like 50, so it'll basically push anything within range. I'll also have to tweak it so it'll use up a lot of stamina. I'm not sure if I should make it use up the entire bar, or just 3/4 or so of it. I don't know.

And would you look at that. Fnord posted the solution just as I was posting my message. Heh. Thanks for your help anyway, man. But, I was able to figure it out on my own. :P

Also, Tean, once I finish up and get the ODFs for Force Wave to you, I was wondering if I coudl maybe have a little sample of Asajj so far? I'm so anxious to play with her!
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by minilogoguy18 »

PM me the force power and ill send you the model if i like the power.

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Postulio »

Take that Xbox :x great work mini, and tell yor friend hes awesome :P now we just need a Kit Fisto

RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by Krun »

Nice work Mini and Teancum,
I wonder how good the quality is on the rest of the JO/JA player models lower LODs. Seems like there were a few that didn't have lower LODs at all, but this is still something worth checking in to. Guess now I just need a list of what models already exist in game :mrgreen:
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RE: Asajj Ventress

Post by minilogoguy18 »

im not gonna use anymore but 2 more models from JA which are mainly just requested from teancum, 1 is a custom model and the other is a base JA model, but porting JA base models isnt illegal since the game is open source and they freely gave out the uncompiled models and animations and they are in .xsi format.