Bconstructor 2 problems

How to create models in XSI and other 3D applications and make them work in Battlefront 1 & 2. Post models, tips for application usage and share anything XSI, 3DMax, SketchUp, etc.

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Bconstructor 2 problems

Post by Jazon »

Yo, I was messing around with Bconstructor 2, and all it did was create a log file. It didn't actually export a model or anything. (Trying to import the XSI into Milkshape.) What's up with that?

RE: Bconstructor 2 problems

Post by OGEB1103 »

That is all it does at the moment, as it is just 0.2 You should have read the posts clearer.
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RE: Bconstructor 2 problems

Post by Leviathan »

Off-topic : Jazon, next time you encounter a problem while using a program like BConstructor or BConstructor 2, be sure to post all your feedbacks or reports in the thread(s) dedicated to them, usually located among local "Stickies"...