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[Solved] How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:21 pm
by JustSomeGuy
Seems like this would have been asked before but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. With all the mods I want I have 519 missions. I'd be surprised if I used more than 20% of them. From what I've gathered, I need to go to the missions file located in the lvl_pc folder. But if you know what that looks like you're probably not surprised that I can't make heads or tails of it. I see stuff like YAV1, so I know that's Yavin 4, which I never use. I see stuff like CTF which I also never use.
Basically, I would like to know:
1) how to identify what mission I'm looking at
2) how to find a specific mission in the file
3) how to tell where an individual mission's code starts and ends
4) if I'm barking up the wrong tree
I'd just like to be able to create a backup of the file, and copy-paste missions in and out as I see fit (if that's even possible.) Thanks in advance for any help or solutions.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:18 am
I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but it would be a lot easier just to move a few mods that you don't plan on playing out of your addon folder to get you under the 500 mission limit. Considering some of my own blunders with modding, I'm don't think the game would have a good reaction if you tried to directly tamper with the core files.

There is one other solution that might be of use. On ModDB, there's a mod loader for Star Wars Battlefront II, which (in theory) should allow you to just pick the ones you want the game to load. I've never tried it, so I can't tell you if it works.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:15 am
by AnthonyBF2
The addme file for each mod is what tells the game that missions exist. Editing any other part of the mod won't achieve anything but to edit addme files, you'd need their source code, edit to remove mission entries, and compile a new one.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:17 am
by JustSomeGuy
AnthonyBF2 wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:15 am
The addme file for each mod is what tells the game that missions exist. Editing any other part of the mod won't achieve anything but to edit addme files, you'd need their source code, edit to remove mission entries, and compile a new one.
Is this something I can do with the standard mod package, or do I have to contact the mod maker for specific files?

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:23 am
by Teancum
You fix it just by removing some extra mod maps until you get below the number. Go to /Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/Addon/, move some of those to a temporary folder, like maybe /Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/TEMP/. This keeps the maps on your hard drive in case you ever want to try them by swapping them with other maps.

If you don't have the ability to do that then it's some pirate-modded version of the game, and we can't help you with that.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:02 pm
by JustSomeGuy
Teancum wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:23 am
You fix it just by removing some extra mod maps until you get below the number. Go to /Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/Addon/, move some of those to a temporary folder, like maybe /Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/TEMP/. This keeps the maps on your hard drive in case you ever want to try them by swapping them with other maps.

If you don't have the ability to do that then it's some pirate-modded version of the game, and we can't help you with that.
The issue is that I don't have any map specific mods. I just have 1.3 patch, 2.2 conversion patch, bfx, A New Frontier, and BusinessBill's Mandalorian mod. The mando mod, for example, adds a lot of gamemodes I don't use and I was wondering if it's possible to zero those out. (And I bought battlefront 2 on steam, my version's legit)

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:46 pm
by cbadal
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:02 pm

The issue is that I don't have any map specific mods. I just have 1.3 patch, 2.2 conversion patch, bfx, A New Frontier, and BusinessBill's Mandalorian mod. The mando mod, for example, adds a lot of gamemodes I don't use and I was wondering if it's possible to zero those out. (And I bought battlefront 2 on steam, my version's legit)
How dedicated are you to accomplishing this?
It is possible (if you want to keep 'some' of the Mandalorian missions that were added), but it'll require some understanding of Lua, how the game adds maps, writing some Lua code, using the modtools and testing.
What would you say your current 'coding ability' is?

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:09 pm
by JustSomeGuy
cbadal wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:46 pm
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:02 pm

The issue is that I don't have any map specific mods. I just have 1.3 patch, 2.2 conversion patch, bfx, A New Frontier, and BusinessBill's Mandalorian mod. The mando mod, for example, adds a lot of gamemodes I don't use and I was wondering if it's possible to zero those out. (And I bought battlefront 2 on steam, my version's legit)
How dedicated are you to accomplishing this?
It is possible (if you want to keep 'some' of the Mandalorian missions that were added), but it'll require some understanding of Lua, how the game adds maps, writing some Lua code, using the modtools and testing.
What would you say your current 'coding ability' is?
I have no experience with Lua, but if there are tutorials you'd recommend I'd be willing to learn.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:15 pm
by cbadal
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:09 pm
I have no experience with Lua, but if there are tutorials you'd recommend I'd be willing to learn.
Well OK if you want to take this as a starting point to modding, cool.

If you wanna learn the Lua version that is embedded in SWBF2, here is the the website:

You'll also want to read through the FAQ to get started modding:

For this specific issue you may want to consider re-writing the addme.script in the mod folder you are concerned with.
Or maybe modifying the 'sp_missionselect_listbox_contents' and 'mp_missionselect_listbox_contents' in a mod that gets processed after the Mandalorian mod you have.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:49 pm
by JustSomeGuy
cbadal wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:15 pm
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:09 pm
I have no experience with Lua, but if there are tutorials you'd recommend I'd be willing to learn.
Well OK if you want to take this as a starting point to modding, cool.

If you wanna learn the Lua version that is embedded in SWBF2, here is the the website:

You'll also want to read through the FAQ to get started modding:

For this specific issue you may want to consider re-writing the addme.script in the mod folder you are concerned with.
Or maybe modifying the 'sp_missionselect_listbox_contents' and 'mp_missionselect_listbox_contents' in a mod that gets processed after the Mandalorian mod you have.
Is it possible to reverse munge the addme file the mod comes with or will I have to try to re-create it minus the missions I don't want?

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:07 am
by cbadal
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:49 pm
Is it possible to reverse munge the addme file the mod comes with or will I have to try to re-create it minus the missions I don't want?
I started writing a Lua decompiler a while back and posted it in this thread:

The tool can be useful, but in it's current state it's not great.
The addme scripts usually have functions with for loops in them (which the tool does not currently handle). So it probably won't decompile it easily.

You can give the tool a better chance at decompiling the code from a listing by just replacing the body of the (for loop containing) function listing with:

Code: Select all

	1	[-]	RETURN   	0 1 0
(you will of course lose the function content, but the addme files usually follow the same patterns so if you search in the modtools source code or the forums for the 'lost' function, you'll probably find the source code for it)

Extract the luac listing by dragging the addme.script into the 'file' textbox of 'SWBF2_Tool' (and select the 'listing' option) and paste the code listing into the SWBF2CodeHelper program and see what happens.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:50 pm
by JustSomeGuy
I copied the listed code into the code helper. When I hit "decompile" it gives me the error:
7 [-] TFORPREP 3 18 ; to 26"
So I replaced all TFORPREP's and TFORLOOP's with the " 1 [-] RETURN 0 1 0" code you gave me (and I replaced the 1 at the beginning with the appropriate line number.) Although it doesn't give me that error anymore, it instead gives me a more generic error message that says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." When I click "more details" the text says the following:
"See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.ProcessLines(String[] lines, LuaChunk chunk, List`1 upValues) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 273
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.GatherLinesChunk(String[] lines, Int32 startIndex, Int32 endIndex, List`1 upValues) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 566
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.GatherThenChunk(String[] lines, Int32 index, List`1 upValues) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 543
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.ProcessLines(String[] lines, LuaChunk chunk, List`1 upValues) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 185
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.GatherFunctionChunk(LuaFunction functionChunk, String[] lines, Int32 index) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 511
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.ProcessLines(String[] lines, LuaChunk chunk, List`1 upValues) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 321
at SWBF2CodeHelper.LuaCodeHelper3.DecompileLuacListing(String luacListing) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\LuaCodeHelper3.cs:line 18
at SWBF2CodeHelper.MainForm.mGoButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\BF2_ModTools\SWBF2_xbox_effort\SWBF2_Xbox_mod_effort\SWBF2CodeHelper\MainForm.cs:line 49
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.9151 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/SWBF2Tool.0.52/SWBF2Tool.0.52/SWBF2CodeHelper.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.9136 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.9147 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.9136 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

(and hitting "continue" does nothing)

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:25 am
by cbadal
That can happen, it was worth a try though.

Can you paste the listing in here?

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:31 am
by JustSomeGuy
It exceeds the character limit, so here's the first half

-- addme
-- luac -l listing

main <(none):0> (1382 instructions, 5528 bytes at 00584430)
0 params, 6 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 130 constants, 2 functions
1 [-] CLOSURE 0 0 ; 005860C8
2 [-] SETGLOBAL 0 0 ; MergeTables
3 [-] CLOSURE 0 1 ; 005861F0
4 [-] SETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
5 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
6 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
7 [-] LOADK 2 3 ; "cor1%s_%s"
8 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
9 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
10 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
11 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
12 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
13 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
14 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
15 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
16 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
17 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
18 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
19 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
20 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
21 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
22 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
23 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
24 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
25 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
26 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
27 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
28 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
29 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
30 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
31 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
32 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
33 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
34 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
35 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
36 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
37 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
38 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
39 [-] CALL 0 4 1
40 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
41 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
42 [-] LOADK 2 3 ; "cor1%s_%s"
43 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
44 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
45 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
46 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
47 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
48 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
49 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
50 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
51 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
52 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
53 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
54 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
55 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
56 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
57 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
58 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
59 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
60 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
61 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
62 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
63 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
64 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
65 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
66 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
67 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
68 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
69 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
70 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
71 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
72 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
73 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
74 [-] CALL 0 4 1
75 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
76 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
77 [-] LOADK 2 30 ; "uta1%s_%s"
78 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
79 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
80 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
81 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
82 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
83 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
84 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
85 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
86 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
87 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
88 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
89 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
90 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
91 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
92 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
93 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
94 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
95 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
96 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
97 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
98 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
99 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
100 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
101 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
102 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
103 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
104 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
105 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
106 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
107 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
108 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
109 [-] CALL 0 4 1
110 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
111 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
112 [-] LOADK 2 30 ; "uta1%s_%s"
113 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
114 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
115 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
116 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
117 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
118 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
119 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
120 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
121 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
122 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
123 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
124 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
125 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
126 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
127 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
128 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
129 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
130 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
131 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
132 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
133 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
134 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
135 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
136 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
137 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
138 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
139 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
140 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
141 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
142 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
143 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
144 [-] CALL 0 4 1
145 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
146 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
147 [-] LOADK 2 31 ; "kas2%s_%s"
148 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
149 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
150 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
151 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
152 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
153 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
154 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
155 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
156 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
157 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
158 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
159 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
160 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
161 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
162 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
163 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
164 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
165 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
166 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
167 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
168 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
169 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
170 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
171 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
172 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
173 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
174 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
175 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
176 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
177 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
178 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
179 [-] CALL 0 4 1
180 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
181 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
182 [-] LOADK 2 31 ; "kas2%s_%s"
183 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
184 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
185 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
186 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
187 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
188 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
189 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
190 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
191 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
192 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
193 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
194 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
195 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
196 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
197 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
198 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
199 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
200 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
201 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
202 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
203 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
204 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
205 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
206 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
207 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
208 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
209 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
210 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
211 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
212 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
213 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
214 [-] CALL 0 4 1
215 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
216 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
217 [-] LOADK 2 32 ; "tat3%s_%s"
218 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
219 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
220 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
221 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
222 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
223 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
224 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
225 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
226 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
227 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
228 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
229 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
230 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
231 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
232 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
233 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
234 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
235 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
236 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
237 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
238 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
239 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
240 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
241 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
242 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
243 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
244 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
245 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
246 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
247 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
248 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
249 [-] CALL 0 4 1
250 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
251 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
252 [-] LOADK 2 32 ; "tat3%s_%s"
253 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
254 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
255 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
256 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
257 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
258 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
259 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
260 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
261 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
262 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
263 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
264 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
265 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
266 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
267 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
268 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
269 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
270 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
271 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
272 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
273 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
274 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
275 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
276 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
277 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
278 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
279 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
280 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
281 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
282 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
283 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
284 [-] CALL 0 4 1
285 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
286 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
287 [-] LOADK 2 33 ; "kam1%s_%s"
288 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
289 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
290 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
291 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
292 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
293 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
294 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
295 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
296 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
297 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
298 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
299 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
300 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
301 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
302 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
303 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
304 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
305 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
306 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
307 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
308 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
309 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
310 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
311 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
312 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
313 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
314 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
315 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
316 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
317 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
318 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
319 [-] CALL 0 4 1
320 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
321 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
322 [-] LOADK 2 33 ; "kam1%s_%s"
323 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
324 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
325 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
326 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
327 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
328 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
329 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
330 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
331 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
332 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
333 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
334 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
335 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
336 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
337 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
338 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
339 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
340 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
341 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
342 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
343 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
344 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
345 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
346 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
347 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
348 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
349 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
350 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
351 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
352 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
353 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
354 [-] CALL 0 4 1
355 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
356 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
357 [-] LOADK 2 34 ; "mus1%s_%s"
358 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
359 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
360 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
361 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
362 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
363 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
364 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
365 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
366 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
367 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
368 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
369 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
370 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
371 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
372 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
373 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
374 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
375 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
376 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
377 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
378 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
379 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
380 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
381 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
382 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
383 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
384 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
385 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
386 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
387 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
388 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
389 [-] CALL 0 4 1
390 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
391 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
392 [-] LOADK 2 34 ; "mus1%s_%s"
393 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
394 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
395 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
396 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
397 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
398 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
399 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
400 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
401 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
402 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
403 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
404 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
405 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
406 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
407 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
408 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
409 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
410 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
411 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
412 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
413 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
414 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
415 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
416 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
417 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
418 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
419 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
420 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
421 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
422 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
423 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
424 [-] CALL 0 4 1
425 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
426 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
427 [-] LOADK 2 35 ; "dea1%s_%s"
428 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
429 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
430 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
431 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
432 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
433 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
434 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
435 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
436 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
437 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
438 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
439 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
440 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
441 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
442 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
443 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
444 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
445 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
446 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
447 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
448 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
449 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
450 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
451 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
452 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
453 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
454 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
455 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
456 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
457 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
458 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
459 [-] CALL 0 4 1
460 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
461 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
462 [-] LOADK 2 35 ; "dea1%s_%s"
463 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
464 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
465 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
466 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
467 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
468 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
469 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
470 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
471 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
472 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
473 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
474 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
475 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
476 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
477 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
478 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
479 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
480 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
481 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
482 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
483 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
484 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
485 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
486 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
487 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
488 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
489 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
490 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
491 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
492 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
493 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
494 [-] CALL 0 4 1
495 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
496 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
497 [-] LOADK 2 36 ; "tat2%s_%s"
498 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
499 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
500 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
501 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
502 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
503 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
504 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
505 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
506 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
507 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
508 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
509 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
510 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
511 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
512 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
513 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
514 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
515 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
516 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
517 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
518 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
519 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
520 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
521 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
522 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
523 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
524 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
525 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
526 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
527 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
528 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
529 [-] CALL 0 4 1
530 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
531 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
532 [-] LOADK 2 36 ; "tat2%s_%s"
533 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
534 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
535 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
536 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
537 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
538 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
539 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
540 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
541 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
542 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
543 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
544 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
545 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
546 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
547 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
548 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
549 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
550 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
551 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
552 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
553 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
554 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
555 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
556 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
557 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
558 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
559 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
560 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
561 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
562 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
563 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
564 [-] CALL 0 4 1
565 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
566 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
567 [-] LOADK 2 37 ; "dag1%s_%s"
568 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
569 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
570 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
571 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
572 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
573 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
574 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
575 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
576 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
577 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
578 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
579 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
580 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
581 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
582 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
583 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
584 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
585 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
586 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
587 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
588 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
589 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
590 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
591 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
592 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
593 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
594 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
595 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
596 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
597 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
598 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
599 [-] CALL 0 4 1
600 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
601 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
602 [-] LOADK 2 37 ; "dag1%s_%s"
603 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
604 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
605 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
606 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
607 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
608 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
609 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
610 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
611 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
612 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
613 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
614 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
615 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
616 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
617 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
618 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
619 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
620 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
621 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
622 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
623 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
624 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
625 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
626 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
627 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
628 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
629 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
630 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
631 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
632 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
633 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
634 [-] CALL 0 4 1
635 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
636 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
637 [-] LOADK 2 38 ; "fel1%s_%s"
638 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
639 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
640 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
641 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
642 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
643 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
644 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
645 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
646 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
647 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
648 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
649 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
650 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
651 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
652 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
653 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
654 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
655 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
656 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
657 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
658 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
659 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
660 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
661 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
662 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
663 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
664 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
665 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
666 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
667 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
668 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
669 [-] CALL 0 4 1
670 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
671 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
672 [-] LOADK 2 38 ; "fel1%s_%s"
673 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
674 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
675 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
676 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
677 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
678 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
679 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
680 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
681 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
682 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
683 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
684 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
685 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
686 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
687 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
688 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
689 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
690 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
691 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
692 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
693 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
694 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
695 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
696 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
697 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
698 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
699 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
700 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
701 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
702 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
703 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
704 [-] CALL 0 4 1
705 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
706 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
707 [-] LOADK 2 39 ; "myg1%s_%s"
708 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
709 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
710 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
711 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
712 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
713 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
714 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
715 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:32 am
by JustSomeGuy
and the second:
716 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
717 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
718 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
719 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
720 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
721 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
722 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
723 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
724 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
725 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
726 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
727 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
728 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
729 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
730 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
731 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
732 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
733 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
734 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
735 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
736 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
737 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
738 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
739 [-] CALL 0 4 1
740 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
741 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
742 [-] LOADK 2 39 ; "myg1%s_%s"
743 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
744 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
745 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
746 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
747 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
748 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
749 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
750 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
751 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
752 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
753 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
754 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
755 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
756 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
757 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
758 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
759 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
760 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
761 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
762 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
763 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
764 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
765 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
766 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
767 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
768 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
769 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
770 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
771 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
772 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
773 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
774 [-] CALL 0 4 1
775 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
776 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
777 [-] LOADK 2 40 ; "nab2%s_%s"
778 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
779 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
780 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
781 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
782 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
783 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
784 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
785 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
786 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
787 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
788 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
789 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
790 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
791 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
792 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
793 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
794 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
795 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
796 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
797 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
798 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
799 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
800 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
801 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
802 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
803 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
804 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
805 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
806 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
807 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
808 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
809 [-] CALL 0 4 1
810 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
811 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
812 [-] LOADK 2 40 ; "nab2%s_%s"
813 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
814 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
815 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
816 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
817 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
818 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
819 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
820 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
821 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
822 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
823 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
824 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
825 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
826 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
827 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
828 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
829 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
830 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
831 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
832 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
833 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
834 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
835 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
836 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
837 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
838 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
839 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
840 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
841 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
842 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
843 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
844 [-] CALL 0 4 1
845 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
846 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
847 [-] LOADK 2 41 ; "pol1%s_%s"
848 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
849 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
850 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
851 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
852 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
853 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
854 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
855 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
856 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
857 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
858 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
859 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
860 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
861 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
862 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
863 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
864 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
865 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
866 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
867 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
868 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
869 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
870 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
871 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
872 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
873 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
874 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
875 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
876 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
877 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
878 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
879 [-] CALL 0 4 1
880 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
881 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
882 [-] LOADK 2 41 ; "pol1%s_%s"
883 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
884 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
885 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
886 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
887 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
888 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
889 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
890 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
891 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
892 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
893 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
894 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
895 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
896 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
897 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
898 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
899 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
900 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
901 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
902 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
903 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
904 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
905 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
906 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
907 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
908 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
909 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
910 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
911 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
912 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
913 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
914 [-] CALL 0 4 1
915 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
916 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
917 [-] LOADK 2 42 ; "tan1%s_%s"
918 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
919 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
920 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
921 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
922 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
923 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
924 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
925 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
926 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
927 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
928 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
929 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
930 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
931 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
932 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
933 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
934 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
935 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
936 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
937 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
938 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
939 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
940 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
941 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
942 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
943 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
944 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
945 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
946 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
947 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
948 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
949 [-] CALL 0 4 1
950 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
951 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
952 [-] LOADK 2 42 ; "tan1%s_%s"
953 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
954 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
955 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
956 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
957 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
958 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
959 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
960 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
961 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
962 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
963 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
964 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
965 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
966 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
967 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
968 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
969 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
970 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
971 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
972 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
973 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
974 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
975 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
976 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
977 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
978 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
979 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
980 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
981 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
982 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
983 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
984 [-] CALL 0 4 1
985 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
986 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 2 ; sp_missionselect_listbox_contents
987 [-] LOADK 2 43 ; "yav1%s_%s"
988 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
989 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
990 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
991 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
992 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
993 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
994 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
995 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
996 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
997 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
998 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
999 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
1000 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
1001 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
1002 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
1003 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1004 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
1005 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
1006 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
1007 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
1008 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1009 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
1010 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
1011 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
1012 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
1013 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1014 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
1015 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
1016 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
1017 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
1018 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
1019 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1020 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 1 ; AddNewGameModes
1021 [-] GETGLOBAL 1 29 ; mp_missionselect_listbox_contents
1022 [-] LOADK 2 43 ; "yav1%s_%s"
1023 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 3
1024 [-] SETTABLE 3 132 133 ; "era_a" 3
1025 [-] SETTABLE 3 134 133 ; "mode_siege_a" 3
1026 [-] SETTABLE 3 135 133 ; "mode_wav_a" 3
1027 [-] SETTABLE 3 136 133 ; "mode_rpg_a" 3
1028 [-] SETTABLE 3 137 133 ; "mode_c1_a" 3
1029 [-] NEWTABLE 4 0 3
1030 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 1
1031 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 140 ; "name" "BF II: Mandalorians"
1032 [-] SETTABLE 4 132 5 ; "era_a"
1033 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1034 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 142 ; "name" "Classic v Prequel Era"
1035 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 144 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era."
1036 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
1037 [-] SETTABLE 4 141 5 ; "mode_wav"
1038 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1039 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 148 ; "name" "Classic v New Age"
1040 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 149 ; "about" "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!"
1041 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
1042 [-] SETTABLE 4 147 5 ; "mode_siege"
1043 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1044 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 151 ; "name" "Prequel Era v New Age"
1045 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 152 ; "about" "The newest v fan favorties."
1046 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 146 ; "icon" "mode_icon_siege"
1047 [-] SETTABLE 4 150 5 ; "mode_rpg"
1048 [-] NEWTABLE 5 0 2
1049 [-] SETTABLE 5 139 154 ; "name" "Red v Blue"
1050 [-] SETTABLE 5 143 155 ; "about" "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch."
1051 [-] SETTABLE 5 145 156 ; "icon" "mode_icon_holo"
1052 [-] SETTABLE 4 153 5 ; "mode_c1"
1053 [-] SETTABLE 3 138 4 ; "change"
1054 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1055 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1056 [-] LOADK 1 45 ; "cor1"
1057 [-] LOADK 2 46 ; "cor1a_siege"
1058 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1059 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1060 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1061 [-] LOADK 1 45 ; "cor1"
1062 [-] LOADK 2 48 ; "cor1a_wav"
1063 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1064 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1065 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1066 [-] LOADK 1 45 ; "cor1"
1067 [-] LOADK 2 49 ; "cor1a_rpg"
1068 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1069 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1070 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1071 [-] LOADK 1 45 ; "cor1"
1072 [-] LOADK 2 50 ; "cor1a_c1"
1073 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1074 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1075 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1076 [-] LOADK 1 51 ; "uta1"
1077 [-] LOADK 2 52 ; "uta1a_siege"
1078 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1079 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1080 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1081 [-] LOADK 1 51 ; "uta1"
1082 [-] LOADK 2 53 ; "uta1a_wav"
1083 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1084 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1085 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1086 [-] LOADK 1 51 ; "uta1"
1087 [-] LOADK 2 54 ; "uta1a_rpg"
1088 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1089 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1090 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1091 [-] LOADK 1 51 ; "uta1"
1092 [-] LOADK 2 55 ; "uta1a_c1"
1093 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1094 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1095 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1096 [-] LOADK 1 56 ; "kas2"
1097 [-] LOADK 2 57 ; "kas2a_siege"
1098 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1099 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1100 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1101 [-] LOADK 1 56 ; "kas2"
1102 [-] LOADK 2 58 ; "kas2a_wav"
1103 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1104 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1105 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1106 [-] LOADK 1 56 ; "kas2"
1107 [-] LOADK 2 59 ; "kas2a_rpg"
1108 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1109 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1110 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1111 [-] LOADK 1 56 ; "kas2"
1112 [-] LOADK 2 60 ; "kas2a_c1"
1113 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1114 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1115 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1116 [-] LOADK 1 61 ; "tat3"
1117 [-] LOADK 2 62 ; "tat3a_siege"
1118 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1119 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1120 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1121 [-] LOADK 1 61 ; "tat3"
1122 [-] LOADK 2 63 ; "tat3a_wav"
1123 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1124 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1125 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1126 [-] LOADK 1 61 ; "tat3"
1127 [-] LOADK 2 64 ; "tat3a_rpg"
1128 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1129 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1130 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1131 [-] LOADK 1 61 ; "tat3"
1132 [-] LOADK 2 65 ; "tat3a_c1"
1133 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1134 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1135 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1136 [-] LOADK 1 66 ; "kam1"
1137 [-] LOADK 2 67 ; "kam1a_siege"
1138 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1139 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1140 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1141 [-] LOADK 1 66 ; "kam1"
1142 [-] LOADK 2 68 ; "kam1a_wav"
1143 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1144 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1145 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1146 [-] LOADK 1 66 ; "kam1"
1147 [-] LOADK 2 69 ; "kam1a_rpg"
1148 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1149 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1150 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1151 [-] LOADK 1 66 ; "kam1"
1152 [-] LOADK 2 70 ; "kam1a_c1"
1153 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1154 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1155 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1156 [-] LOADK 1 71 ; "mus1"
1157 [-] LOADK 2 72 ; "mus1a_siege"
1158 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1159 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1160 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1161 [-] LOADK 1 71 ; "mus1"
1162 [-] LOADK 2 73 ; "mus1a_wav"
1163 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1164 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1165 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1166 [-] LOADK 1 71 ; "mus1"
1167 [-] LOADK 2 74 ; "mus1a_rpg"
1168 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1169 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1170 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1171 [-] LOADK 1 71 ; "mus1"
1172 [-] LOADK 2 75 ; "mus1a_c1"
1173 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1174 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1175 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1176 [-] LOADK 1 76 ; "dea1"
1177 [-] LOADK 2 77 ; "dea1a_siege"
1178 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1179 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1180 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1181 [-] LOADK 1 76 ; "dea1"
1182 [-] LOADK 2 78 ; "dea1a_wav"
1183 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1184 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1185 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1186 [-] LOADK 1 76 ; "dea1"
1187 [-] LOADK 2 79 ; "dea1a_rpg"
1188 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1189 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1190 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1191 [-] LOADK 1 76 ; "dea1"
1192 [-] LOADK 2 80 ; "dea1a_c1"
1193 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1194 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1195 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1196 [-] LOADK 1 81 ; "tat2"
1197 [-] LOADK 2 82 ; "tat2a_siege"
1198 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1199 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1200 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1201 [-] LOADK 1 81 ; "tat2"
1202 [-] LOADK 2 83 ; "tat2a_wav"
1203 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1204 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1205 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1206 [-] LOADK 1 81 ; "tat2"
1207 [-] LOADK 2 84 ; "tat2a_rpg"
1208 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1209 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1210 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1211 [-] LOADK 1 81 ; "tat2"
1212 [-] LOADK 2 85 ; "tat2a_c1"
1213 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1214 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1215 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1216 [-] LOADK 1 86 ; "dag1"
1217 [-] LOADK 2 87 ; "dag1a_siege"
1218 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1219 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1220 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1221 [-] LOADK 1 86 ; "dag1"
1222 [-] LOADK 2 88 ; "dag1a_wav"
1223 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1224 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1225 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1226 [-] LOADK 1 86 ; "dag1"
1227 [-] LOADK 2 89 ; "dag1a_rpg"
1228 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1229 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1230 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1231 [-] LOADK 1 86 ; "dag1"
1232 [-] LOADK 2 90 ; "dag1a_c1"
1233 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1234 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1235 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1236 [-] LOADK 1 91 ; "fel1"
1237 [-] LOADK 2 92 ; "fel1a_siege"
1238 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1239 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1240 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1241 [-] LOADK 1 91 ; "fel1"
1242 [-] LOADK 2 93 ; "fel1a_wav"
1243 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1244 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1245 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1246 [-] LOADK 1 91 ; "fel1"
1247 [-] LOADK 2 94 ; "fel1a_rpg"
1248 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1249 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1250 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1251 [-] LOADK 1 91 ; "fel1"
1252 [-] LOADK 2 95 ; "fel1a_c1"
1253 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1254 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1255 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1256 [-] LOADK 1 96 ; "myg1"
1257 [-] LOADK 2 97 ; "myg1a_siege"
1258 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1259 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1260 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1261 [-] LOADK 1 96 ; "myg1"
1262 [-] LOADK 2 98 ; "myg1a_wav"
1263 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1264 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1265 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1266 [-] LOADK 1 96 ; "myg1"
1267 [-] LOADK 2 99 ; "myg1a_rpg"
1268 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1269 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1270 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1271 [-] LOADK 1 96 ; "myg1"
1272 [-] LOADK 2 100 ; "myg1a_c1"
1273 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1274 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1275 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1276 [-] LOADK 1 101 ; "nab2"
1277 [-] LOADK 2 102 ; "nab2a_siege"
1278 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1279 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1280 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1281 [-] LOADK 1 101 ; "nab2"
1282 [-] LOADK 2 103 ; "nab2a_wav"
1283 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1284 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1285 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1286 [-] LOADK 1 101 ; "nab2"
1287 [-] LOADK 2 104 ; "nab2a_rpg"
1288 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1289 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1290 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1291 [-] LOADK 1 101 ; "nab2"
1292 [-] LOADK 2 105 ; "nab2a_c1"
1293 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1294 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1295 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1296 [-] LOADK 1 106 ; "pol1"
1297 [-] LOADK 2 107 ; "pol1a_siege"
1298 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1299 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1300 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1301 [-] LOADK 1 106 ; "pol1"
1302 [-] LOADK 2 108 ; "pol1a_wav"
1303 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1304 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1305 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1306 [-] LOADK 1 106 ; "pol1"
1307 [-] LOADK 2 109 ; "pol1a_rpg"
1308 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1309 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1310 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1311 [-] LOADK 1 106 ; "pol1"
1312 [-] LOADK 2 110 ; "pol1a_c1"
1313 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1314 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1315 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1316 [-] LOADK 1 111 ; "tan1"
1317 [-] LOADK 2 112 ; "tan1a_siege"
1318 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1319 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1320 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1321 [-] LOADK 1 111 ; "tan1"
1322 [-] LOADK 2 113 ; "tan1a_wav"
1323 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1324 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1325 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1326 [-] LOADK 1 111 ; "tan1"
1327 [-] LOADK 2 114 ; "tan1a_rpg"
1328 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1329 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1330 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1331 [-] LOADK 1 111 ; "tan1"
1332 [-] LOADK 2 115 ; "tan1a_c1"
1333 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1334 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1335 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1336 [-] LOADK 1 116 ; "yav1"
1337 [-] LOADK 2 117 ; "yav1a_siege"
1338 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1339 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1340 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1341 [-] LOADK 1 116 ; "yav1"
1342 [-] LOADK 2 118 ; "yav1a_wav"
1343 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1344 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1345 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1346 [-] LOADK 1 116 ; "yav1"
1347 [-] LOADK 2 119 ; "yav1a_rpg"
1348 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1349 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1350 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1351 [-] LOADK 1 116 ; "yav1"
1352 [-] LOADK 2 120 ; "yav1a_c1"
1353 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1354 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1355 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1356 [-] LOADK 1 121 ; "BAR"
1357 [-] LOADK 2 122 ; "BARa_siege"
1358 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1359 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1360 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1361 [-] LOADK 1 121 ; "BAR"
1362 [-] LOADK 2 123 ; "BARa_wav"
1363 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1364 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1365 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1366 [-] LOADK 1 121 ; "BAR"
1367 [-] LOADK 2 124 ; "BARa_rpg"
1368 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1369 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1370 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 44 ; AddDownloadableContent
1371 [-] LOADK 1 121 ; "BAR"
1372 [-] LOADK 2 125 ; "BARa_c1"
1373 [-] LOADK 3 47 ; 4
1374 [-] CALL 0 4 1
1375 [-] LOADNIL 0 0 0
1376 [-] SETGLOBAL 0 126 ; newEntry
1377 [-] LOADNIL 0 0 0
1378 [-] SETGLOBAL 0 127 ; n
1379 [-] GETGLOBAL 0 128 ; ReadDataFile
1380 [-] LOADK 1 129 ; "..\..\addon\FUK\data\_LVL_PC\core.lvl"
1381 [-] CALL 0 2 1
1382 [-] RETURN 0 1 0

function <(none):2> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 005860C8)
2 params, 10 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 3 constants, 0 functions
1 [-] GETGLOBAL 2 0 ; type
2 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 0
3 [-] CALL 2 2 2
4 [-] GETGLOBAL 3 1 ; pairs
5 [-] MOVE 4 1 0
6 [-] CALL 3 2 5
7 [-] TFORPREP 3 18 ; to 26
8 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 0 ; type
9 [-] MOVE 8 6 0
10 [-] CALL 7 2 2
11 [-] EQ 0 7 2
12 [-] JMP 0 12 ; to 25
13 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 0 ; type
14 [-] GETTABLE 8 0 5
15 [-] CALL 7 2 2
16 [-] EQ 1 7 2
17 [-] JMP 0 2 ; to 20
18 [-] NEWTABLE 7 0 0
19 [-] SETTABLE 0 5 7
20 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 2 ; MergeTables
21 [-] GETTABLE 8 0 5
22 [-] MOVE 9 6 0
23 [-] CALL 7 3 1
24 [-] JMP 0 1 ; to 26
25 [-] SETTABLE 0 5 6
26 [-] TFORLOOP 3 0 1
27 [-] JMP 0 -20 ; to 8
28 [-] RETURN 0 1 0

function <(none):25> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 005861F0)
3 params, 10 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 2 constants, 0 functions
1 [-] MOVE 3 0 0
2 [-] LOADNIL 4 6 0
3 [-] TFORPREP 3 7 ; to 11
4 [-] GETTABLE 7 6 128 ; "mapluafile"
5 [-] EQ 0 7 1
6 [-] JMP 0 4 ; to 11
7 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 1 ; MergeTables
8 [-] MOVE 8 6 0
9 [-] MOVE 9 2 0
10 [-] CALL 7 3 1
11 [-] TFORLOOP 3 0 1
12 [-] JMP 0 -9 ; to 4
13 [-] RETURN 0 1 0

-- INFO 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:02 pm
by cbadal
Actually... The tool worked pretty well on that one.
I didn't get the error you posted when I replaced the (for loop) functions contents with the return statement.
the tool did miss some 'name' and 'about' fields for some reason, but those were very repetitive so copy and paste easily replicated those.
-- Decompiled with SWBF2CodeHelper

-- recursively merges the second given table into the first given table
function MergeTables( mission, newFlags )
--for each table entry,
local array = type({})
for key,value in pairs(newFlags) do
--check for nested tables
if type(value) == array then
--mission must have this key as a table too
if type(mission[key]) ~= array then
mission[key] = {}
--merge these two tables recursively
MergeTables(mission[key], value)
--the key is a simple variable, so simply store it
mission[key] = value

--Search through the missionlist to find a map that matches mapName,
--then insert the new flags into said entry.
--Use this when you know the map already exists, but this content patch is just
--adding new gamemodes (otherwise you should just add whole new entries to the missionlist)
function AddNewGameModes(missionList, mapName, newFlags)
for i, mission in missionList do
if mission.mapluafile == mapName then
MergeTables(mission, newFlags)

--insert totally new maps here:
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"cor1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"cor1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"uta1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"uta1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"kas2%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"kas2%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"tat3%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"tat3%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"kam1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"kam1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"mus1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"mus1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"dea1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"dea1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"tat2%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"tat2%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"dag1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"dag1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"fel1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"fel1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"myg1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"myg1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"nab2%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"nab2%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"pol1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"pol1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"tan1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"tan1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(sp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"yav1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
AddNewGameModes(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents,"yav1%s_%s",{ era_a = 3, mode_siege_a = 3, mode_wav_a = 3, mode_rpg_a = 3, mode_c1_a = 3,
change = {
era_a = {name = "BF II: Mandalorians" },
mode_wav = { name= "Classic v Prequel Era", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old Republic era versus Clone Wars era.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_siege = { name= "Classic v New Age", about = "All out Mandalorian on Mandalorian warfare! Old versus New!", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_rpg = {name= "Prequel Era v New Age", about= "The newest v fan favorties.", icon = "mode_icon_siege" },
mode_c1 = {name= "Red v Blue", about= "Supercommandos are pit against the Deathwatch.", icon = "mode_icon_holo" }
newEntry = nil
n = nil
The 2 functions 'MergeTables' and 'AddNewGameModes' are commonly used in addme files and can be found by searching the forums.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:21 pm
by JustSomeGuy
Wow, it's finally working. When I started looking into this I wasn't expecting it to be so complicated, but thanks for sticking through it. But before I add [solved] to the title I'd like to know what I did wrong with the decompiling so I can replicate this in the future, any ideas?

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:42 pm
by cbadal
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:21 pm
Wow, it's finally working. When I started looking into this I wasn't expecting it to be so complicated, but thanks for sticking through it. But before I add [solved] to the title I'd like to know what I did wrong with the decompiling so I can replicate this in the future, any ideas?
The 2 functions defined in there 'MergeTables' and 'AddNewGameModes' Look like this in the listing:
function <(none):2> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 005860C8)
2 params, 10 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 3 constants, 0 functions
1 [-] GETGLOBAL 2 0 ; type
2 [-] NEWTABLE 3 0 0
3 [-] CALL 2 2 2
4 [-] GETGLOBAL 3 1 ; pairs
5 [-] MOVE 4 1 0
6 [-] CALL 3 2 5
7 [-] TFORPREP 3 18 ; to 26
8 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 0 ; type
9 [-] MOVE 8 6 0
10 [-] CALL 7 2 2
11 [-] EQ 0 7 2
12 [-] JMP 0 12 ; to 25
13 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 0 ; type
14 [-] GETTABLE 8 0 5
15 [-] CALL 7 2 2
16 [-] EQ 1 7 2
17 [-] JMP 0 2 ; to 20
18 [-] NEWTABLE 7 0 0
19 [-] SETTABLE 0 5 7
20 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 2 ; MergeTables
21 [-] GETTABLE 8 0 5
22 [-] MOVE 9 6 0
23 [-] CALL 7 3 1
24 [-] JMP 0 1 ; to 26
25 [-] SETTABLE 0 5 6
26 [-] TFORLOOP 3 0 1
27 [-] JMP 0 -20 ; to 8
28 [-] RETURN 0 1 0

function <(none):25> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 005861F0)
3 params, 10 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 2 constants, 0 functions
1 [-] MOVE 3 0 0
2 [-] LOADNIL 4 6 0
3 [-] TFORPREP 3 7 ; to 11
4 [-] GETTABLE 7 6 128 ; "mapluafile"
5 [-] EQ 0 7 1
6 [-] JMP 0 4 ; to 11
7 [-] GETGLOBAL 7 1 ; MergeTables
8 [-] MOVE 8 6 0
9 [-] MOVE 9 2 0
10 [-] CALL 7 3 1
11 [-] TFORLOOP 3 0 1
12 [-] JMP 0 -9 ; to 4
13 [-] RETURN 0 1 0
You needed to make them look like this:
function <(none):2> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 005860C8)
2 params, 10 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 3 constants, 0 functions
1 [-] RETURN 0 1 0

function <(none):25> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 005861F0)
3 params, 10 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 2 constants, 0 functions
1 [-] RETURN 0 1 0
In this case it was enough to get most of the content out of the .script file.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:52 pm
by JustSomeGuy
I see, I was just replacing the one line. I tested it and now it's working perfectly. Thanks for your help. I know it's blatantly obvious, but I couldn't have done it without you, every other person I asked about this just tried to give me a work-around. I know they were just trying to help, but thanks for being the only person actually willing to walk me through this.

Re: How do I delete specific missions?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:52 pm
by cbadal
JustSomeGuy wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:52 pm
I see, I was just replacing the one line. I tested it and now it's working perfectly. Thanks for your help. I know it's blatantly obvious, but I couldn't have done it without you, every other person I asked about this just tried to give me a work-around. I know they were just trying to help, but thanks for being the only person actually willing to walk me through this.
I wouldn't hold it against the other members on this one.
I think very few people have attempted reversing the LUA code. I know how to do it only because I worked on a LUA decompiler and had have studied the listing stuff.

It's not normally a viable option.