Adding auto turrets onto destroyable objects

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Adding auto turrets onto destroyable objects

Post by kiprobin »

I added a destroyable frigate ship onto a ground map, and i put some auto turrets on it. Everything works fine, except when the frigate is destroyed, the auto turrets I put on it are still floating there. Does anyone know how to make it so that the auto turrets are destroyed when the frigate they're attached to is destroyed?
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Re: Adding auto turrets onto destroyable objects

Post by AnthonyBF2 »

Code: Select all

		function(object, killer)
Paste this code in your map script after ScriptPostLoad()
impturretmain = change to the name of your frigate object (instance name, not ODF name)
Add or remove more KillObject() lines to match the number of items you want to kill, with each line targeting another turret's instance name.
First Lance Corporal
First Lance Corporal
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Re: Adding auto turrets onto destroyable objects

Post by kiprobin »

Works like a charm! Thank you very much!
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