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Running Mod Maps on DSManager?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:59 pm
by TAW_pinx
Hello all,

Has anyone had success running mod maps using DSManager? We're preparing for hosting mod maps on a dedicated server and we could use some tips!

Do we just need to add the levels to the games file or are there some tweaks involved in getting them to run?

Please help if you can as this knowledge will help everyone who plays SWBF2!


Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:30 pm
by Emraz
Hi TAW I personally do not know. However, a good place to start would be BUH clan as Ive seen their dedicated server running some beta maps--rhen var harbour I think.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:05 pm
by TAW_pinx
Merci beaucoup! (Thank you!)

I will contact them ASAP!

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:46 am
by SteveK14
I have the mods working on the DSManager software. Is your Rhen Var a final so I can test it?


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:00 am
by TAW_pinx
no, it's not Steve, but it will be soon

We're trying to get maps running on our DSManager, but are having issues, can you PM me or e-mail me at: with instructions?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:49 am
by Emraz
On Mod Maps TAW this brings up an interesting problem -- one from the swbf1 days. That when a particular serevr is running mod maps a person was a bit lost to know what he needed. Should dedicated clan servers wait for the mod pack from gametoast and only use this so a lot more people can get on mod using servers and only have to go to one place e.g here so they can get on servers??

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
by Teancum
I agree, Emraz. I think we should wait until the BF1 conversion pack is done before serious hosting, but my guess the TAW just want to make sure it works, how it works, and what bugs they run into.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:25 am
by SteveK14
Emraz wrote:On Mod Maps TAW this brings up an interesting problem -- one from the swbf1 days. That when a particular serevr is running mod maps a person was a bit lost to know what he needed. Should dedicated clan servers wait for the mod pack from gametoast and only use this so a lot more people can get on mod using servers and only have to go to one place e.g here so they can get on servers??
Lets explain the problem first. When running a server whether in-game or not, whatever mod maps you have in your addon folder (even if they are not in the rotation) are what maps the client needs in their addon folder. So I had Rhen var, Cloud City, and Rends Coruscant City in the addon folder of my ded server. Some people cannot log on even though I only had Rhen var in the rotation because they did not download all the maps.

There is no present easy way to publish what maps are in your addon for the server. The title alone cannot do it because it isn't big enough. One suggestion would be to post on a forum somewhere what maps you have and use the url as the title of your server. Mine would read and there would be a list of maps presently in my server. But servers go up, they come down. They change the maps they have in them all the time. If a map has bugs in it, i take it out, which should not bother anyone and actually help with one less map.

For those running a server without access to a weboage to post your maps, I would suggest you download a mappack and have it in the title. Like GT_MAPPACK_1, or TAW_MAPPACK_2, etc. Using the word MAPPACK would indicate to the client that this server has mod maps in it and they should check their addons if they cannot log on.

At a certain point in the future I plan to run as many mod maps on my sever as possible, so get to downloading. Also one of the criteria on my server is that I won't run a map (except for testing purposes) unless it is the FINAL version. This got many people confused in SWBF1 mod maps. There were SO MANY versions out for some maps, that it was impossible to know which version was the real one. Remember, if you go in to your map and change ONE thing, then remunge, that is a complete different version now and previous versions will not play that one. So if after release you find a bug that needs to be fixed, wait till there are many fixes or wait (like LA and Pandemic) a long period od time to be sure and then re-release it to all.


Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:33 am
by TAW_pinx
@Steve, yes this is the plan. Naming the server to match the map pack name...we're hoping that by the time we have a decent non-glitchy way to run mod maps on DS, there will be more than 1 map pack out...but we'll see. This will make it much easier for everyone. I was hoping that if we had 5-8 SWBF I maps perfected or at least 1.0, this would be a good start.

@Emraz, Teancum - Yes, ATM, we're just in testing stages.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:41 am
by SteveK14
TAW_pinx wrote:...we're hoping that by the time we have a decent non-glitchy way to run mod maps on DS,...
What glitches have you found? Or do you mean glitches in the maps?


Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:27 am
by Emraz
Our plan is to use Gametoasts map pack as a basis and as were running multiple servers on our no mod server we would advertise our mod server via admin and where to download the map pack from e.g Gametoast if this is cool with GT?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:03 pm
by Teancum
Sure, you can use the pack once it's out.

However, this mappack is GT & TAW pack -- since the TAW are going half the maps.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:38 am
by Emraz
Hi all the timing of this couldnt be better as I see the map pack release for 1 month from now :-).

-|IC|-Jaycensolo from clan -|IC|- (obviously) has managed to put some of my mod maps on to a dedicated server and it ran perfectly.

They were of the simple kind meaning no added sides and no lego packs . I also think he did try a more complex map which included lego and it is proving very difficult to get to work. However, the thing is the mods were on and they worked just peachy :-)

The problem is with the very complex mods with lego, adjusted sides etc but as a first step its great work.

contac can be made for any further info. at

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:14 am
by [RDH]Zerted
So a user has to have the exact maps in his/her addon folder as the server? Looks like we need to do some shell modding.

I can expand the Map Manager to generate and post a list of maps and their versions running on a server (you would have to have access to the server to run the progrm though). Other people could then download this list and Map Manager would configure their maps to match the list. I have to figure out why XSI freezes on startup first...

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:34 pm
by Emraz
Yup the biggest problem is having the maps which are playing on any given server. Standardisation is the key but as TAw and IC and many others will like to try ones out that have been made it becomes problematic.

The map pack available son is the key but its difficult as clans may want to add ones of their own onto their servers. Planning to advertise the link for GT map pack on our public server wen it comes out. But yes having the exact maps playing on a server in your addon is the biggest headache. The fact that thers tons of differet versions flying round for some of the old bf1 maps is a headache but hoping the GT map pack will pick out the best.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:30 am
by TAW_pinx
I really hope LA addresses this issue with AUTO DOWNLOADS next time around. You would think this would be such a simple and obvious solution.

Once the map pack's start coming out, we'll be running those as will be easier for everyone and ensure less frustration.