Win 10 Update: Cant run any game
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:26 pm
As the title says: Windows 10 forced an update -___- even though I defer updates smh and now the game wont run. Whether the map is a modded game by myself, a released mod or a vanilla map, nothing plays. I haven't done any personal modding recently and all my mods were stable last I played. Below is a log snippet.
The Message Severity: 3 error above is repeated dozens of times. Then at the bottom of the log
Code: Select all
ifs_sp_campaign: Input_Accept(): Entered: _tab_career
Message Severity: 3
CallProc failed: (none):0: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
(none): in function `IFObj_fnSetVis'
(none): in function <(none):677>
Code: Select all
ifs_missionselect_pcMulti_fnSetMapPreview(): Defaulting index to 1
this.CurButton = check_mode1
cur_button = nil
this.CurButton = nil
cur_button = nil
Checkbox for check_era7 clicked
this.CurButton = check_era7
cur_button = nil
custom_printTable(): table: 058D7278
The key, value is: mode_eli_k 1
The key, value is: era_k 1
The key, value is: mode_eli_g 1
The key is mapluafile, the formated value is: AB1<A>_<B>
The key, value is: mode_con_k 1
The key, value is: mode_1flag_g 1
The key, value is: mode_bf1_g 1
The key, value is: bSelected 1
The key, value is: era_g 1
The key, value is: era_c 1
The key, value is: mode_1flag_k 1
The key, value is: mode_con_c 1
The key, value is: mode_con_g 1
The key, value is: mode_1flag_c 1
The key, value is: mode_bf1_c 1
custom_printTable(): Returning
custom_printTable(): table: 054B772C
The key, value is: key mode_con
The key, value is: subst con
The key, value is: showstr
The key, value is: descstr modename.description.con
The key, value is: icon mode_icon_con
custom_printTable(): Returning
gMapEras[i].key = era_g Era = era_g subst = g
Adding map: AB1g_con idx: 1
this.CurButton = _map_add
cur_button = nil
this.CurButton = Launch
cur_button = nil