Episode 3 locations, jedi, commanders, and legions

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Episode 3 locations, jedi, commanders, and legions

Post by Jaspo »

I assume there are some modders out there who saw a lot of locations, jedi, commanders, and legions in a very short amount of time, and noticed that they didn't all make it into SWBF or SWBF2. So wait...who? what? where? how?

From the Wookipedia:
Obi-Wan arrives in Pau City on Utapau...the Third Systems Army arrives under the command of CC-2224 (Cody)
Across the galaxy, clone troopers turn against their Jedi Generals. As this happens, Yoda feels everyone who is dying, literally. On Utapau, Obi-Wan Kenobi is flung off a cliff by a blast from an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer but he and Boga survive the drop; on Mygeeto, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi is gunned down by CC-1138 and the Galactic Marines; on the lush, tropical planet of Felucia, Jedi Knight Aayla Secura is slain by CC-5052 and his 327th Star Corps; on Cato Neimoidia, Plo Koon's Jedi starfighter is shot down by ARC-170 starfighters, sending it smashing into a clone staging area; and on Saleucami, Stass Allie's 74-Z speeder bike is destroyed by CC-8826 and his wingman, riding BARC speeders. On Kashyyyk, Yoda is overlooking the ongoing battle as Commander Gree receives the order. He and his lieutenant attempt to sneak up to Yoda, but the aged Master senses their deceit and beheads both clones with a slash of his lightsaber.
Bail Organa leaves R2-D2 and C-3PO in the care of Captain Raymus Antilles of the Tantive IV. He orders a memory wipe of the talkative protocol droid.

Darth Vader and his master watch as the first Death Star is constructed.On Naboo, Padmé's funeral takes place in a solemn ceremony in Theed. Her hands clasp the japor snippet given to her by Anakin following his departure from Tatooine some thirteen years previous. To protect her children, her body appears to still be pregnant.

In a deleted scene, Yoda heads to Dagobah to begin his self-imposed exile, which he partly owes as penance for his failure to defeat Sidious.

On the bridge of a gray-hulled Venator-class Star Destroyer, Vader, the Emperor, and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin oversee the construction of a certain moon-sized battle station.

On Alderaan, the infant Leia is brought by Bail Organa to his wife, Queen Breha.

On Tatooine, Obi-Wan brings Luke Skywalker to his new family: his uncle, Owen, and his aunt, Beru. Obi-Wan leaves on an eopie, heading to his exile in the Jundland Wastes. Owen and Beru, holding the infant Luke, look out to the horizon and watch the setting of Tatooine's twin suns.
Also, in a deleted scene, jedi Shaak Ti is murdered by Grevious on his flagship, the "Invisible Hand".
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Re: Episode 3 locations, jedi, commanders, and legions

Post by Frisbeetarian »

Jaspo wrote:Also, in a deleted scene, jedi Shaak Ti is murdered by Grevious on his flagship, the "Invisible Hand".
Deleted being the keyword. She was still alive in Force Unleashed, which is canon, making the scene outdated and incorrect.

Just for trivia, there was another deleted scene of her death, this time at Vader's hand.
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Re: Episode 3 locations, jedi, commanders, and legions

Post by Nihillo »

They were eager to kill her off.
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Re: Episode 3 locations, jedi, commanders, and legions

Post by YouJediJunkie »

Please, for the love of God, NO MORE CLONE LEGIONS. Sure, it's cool, yaddayadda, but we have seen enough of those. I'd rather see some detailed GCW map pack/mod.

I am not bashing you, this is just... my opinion. :runaway:
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