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Bespin: ZombieCity

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:04 pm
by SleepKiller
Greetings GT I felt in the mood to release one of my mods here for a change to see how many downloads it got compared to other sites. Basically in this map you get the lovely pleasure of fighting Zombies while still fighting the other team. You don't like fighting Zombies you say? Too bad! It is time for you to man or droid up. Depends on which team you are playing as. Also this map is designed around multiplayer play.

Game play is pretty much the same as what you know and love. Except there are Zombies that start out with Carbon Freezing Chamber and the Courtyard command posts. Also we have included a survival mode if you are into that kind of thing.

When hosting Multiplayer the AI count should be set to 16.





Download Link

Feedback is always welcome! Feel free to tell me where I went wrong on something if you so feel I did.


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:59 am
by DarthSolous
Cool map :yes: