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Request for ifs_sp_era.lua [Solved]

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:18 pm
by Kishan
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here had the ifs_sp_era.lua? If anyone has it I would very much appreciate them uploading it and posting a link here. Thanks

Re: Request for an LUA script

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:15 pm
by Teancum
You should be able to find at the link below. I only was ever given a few files, but hopefully the topic below helps. ... 78#p482678

Re: Request for an LUA script

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:03 pm
by Kishan
Hmm well, I see ifs_missionlist and ifs_missionselect and I see you mentioned ifs_sp_era but I can not find a link to it any where in that thread. If you still have I'd really appriciate you reuploading it.

Re: Request for an LUA script

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:11 pm
by Teancum

Code: Select all

--function ifs_sp_era_fnDidDifficulty()
--	ScriptCB_SetIFScreen("ifs_sp_briefing")

ifs_sp_era = NewIFShellScreen {
	movieIntro      = nil,
	movieBackground = nil,
--	title = NewIFText {
--		string = "ifs.sp.pick_era",
--		font = "gamefont_large",
--		textw = 460,
--		ScreenRelativeX = 0.5, -- center
--		ScreenRelativeY = 0.5, -- top
--	},

	buttons = NewIFContainer {
		ScreenRelativeX = 0.5, -- center
		ScreenRelativeY = 0.5, -- top
		y = 20, -- go slightly down from center

	Enter = function(this, bFwd)
		gIFShellScreenTemplate_fnEnter(this, bFwd) -- call default enter function

		if(bFwd and ScriptCB_IsSPStateSaved()) then

	Input_Accept = function(this)
		-- If base class handled this work, then we're done
		if(gShellScreen_fnDefaultInputAccept(this)) then

		ifs_sp_briefing.era = this.CurButton
		if( bFwd ) then

ifs_sp_era_vbutton_layout = {
--	yTop = -70,
	xWidth = 350,
	width = 350,
	xSpacing = 10,
	ySpacing = 5,
	font = "gamefont_medium",
	buttonlist = { 
		{ tag = "new", string = "", },
		{ tag = "classic", string = "common.era.gcw", },
	title = "ifs.sp.pick_era",
    	rotY = 35,

ifs_sp_era.CurButton = AddVerticalButtons(ifs_sp_era.buttons,ifs_sp_era_vbutton_layout)

Re: Request for an LUA script

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:41 pm
by Kishan
Thank you!