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Battlefront 1.5 Era Mod

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:10 pm
by jdee/barc
[Old Info deleted]

New Info:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0 is in progress!

The era mod gets its name because of a lua trick i unintentionally figured out when using the addme lua for an addon map and them missionlist lua from the shell.lvl that teancum provided. So you can play this mod, and still be able to play in multiplayer with the regular sides. the regular sides are visually upgraded.

Modes in the mod (not actual modes)
-Regular Instant action battle
-Wave/HeroAssault/Duel Mode: Pits heroes against: waves of enemies, bf2's hero assault, or a 1 on 1 deathmatch with the opposing side's hero.

Gogo12/Ginev is another developer in the mod, making custom maps for this mod.

Version History
v. 0.5 beta: just toyign around with things (even to this day, some things have remained the same from that first mod i made)
v. 1.0: "Second Sides Mod" (standard sides mod)
1.1 "BF1.5 Era MOd"+"Battlefront 1.4 Patch for Stock sides and files (visual patch)"

2.0 Download link removed until crashing errors solved.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:29 pm
by CommanderCody212
Why did you take the side guns off the Gunships?
Will you be adding them in some maps?
Will Cody be playable? Like in BFX 2.2

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:56 am
by jdee/barc
This is only one variant of the gunship so other variants have the ball turrets. this one has a back turret so it was a nice change. and i didn't make this, MaxLoef did and i used it.

yes there is a second gunship variant that appears on bespin platforms.

no. cody will not be playable. (sorry, cody). there was no more room for units.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:45 am
by Teancum
Errr, I didn't know Halo's assault rifles were also used by OOM droids. :lol:

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:56 pm
by CommanderCody212
So is the second gunship just on Bespin?

How about the DC-15A? Will it shoot really fast like BFX 2.2?

Sorry for all the dumb questions, i am really wondering.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:25 pm
by jdee/barc
@cody: The DC-15A Rifle is too powerful when it fires fast, so i made it fire at a slow rate, but it can kill in two hits. And the second variant of the LAAT is an ARC gunship (with the paint job), that uses the stock bf2 gunship model (with ball turrets)
Here are the differences
Default LAAT Gunship in my mod
PIlot: Laser Cannon, Missiles (44 of them in total)
co-Pilot: wingtip beam cannons (for some reason they only fire when pointed downwards)
2 passenger seats
an aft gunner that uses the unused gun in the back.

ARC Gunship
Pilot: Wingtip Beam cAnnons, Missiles (44 in total)
Co-Pilot: Foward "nose" cannons- Beam mode, and laser mode
Left and Right Ball Gunners: Laser Cannons
1 passenger

so they are pretty different

@teancum: :lol:

EDIT: New layout for STormtroopers. Partially based off of artwork and SWG
Stormtrooper:E-11 Rifle- Singleshot (2 hit kill) x500, E-11 Carbine (automatic, overheat), Thermal Detonator x6

Stormtrooper Assault: ACP Shotgun x500, DL-18 Blaster Pistol, Concussion Grenade x2, Time Bomb x2

Imperial Engineer/Pilot: E-11 Carbine, Fusion Cutter, Mines x2, H/A Dispenser x2

Scout Trooper: E-11s Sniper Rifle x50, PTL Missile Launcher x8(scouts had rockets according to
SWG, Thermal Detonator x2, Probe Droid x1 (just a recon droid with a better blaster, and a selfdestruct instead of orbital attack)

Special Units
Dark Trooper Phase 1 (default Darktrooper): Wrist Vibroblade, Wrist Rocket x5, Vibroblade throw (throws a detachable blade, unlimited, but overheats after one throw), Thermal Detonator x2

Imperial Officer/Stormtrooper Commander: Imperial Heavy Repeater x500, SE-14r Blaster Pistol, Orbital Strike, H/A Pack x1

Storm Commando: Heavy Repeater, DC_17M Anti-Armor Launcher, Haywire Grenade x6, Remote Charges x2

Jump Trooper: E-11 Carbine, SE_14r Blaster Pistol, Wrist Rocket x2, Time BOmb x2
Nova Trooper (replaces rifleman on random maps): Heavy Repeater x500, DH-17 Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonator x2, ConcussioN grenade x2.
There are no images as I do not have the GCW era up and running yet.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:45 am
by bamdur123
this looks very cool. when its done we should all play in a swbf server sometime with it :)

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:08 am
by jdee/barc
Just sayin, the sides alone are 1.23 GB so Its a pretty large mod

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:08 pm
by CommanderCody212
I already love this mod!
Because you added the Jump Trooper!

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:30 pm
by bamdur123
you serious 1.23 gigabytes? dude.... lol try to reduce them that would take me a week to download so i couldnt even play it

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:19 pm
by CommanderCody212
Will you be adding any new maps?
Will I be able to play this mod online with my friends, if they have it?

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:30 pm
by commander501stappo
CommanderCody212 wrote:Will I be able to play this mod online with my friends, if they have it?
Yes, you will. As long as your friends have it too, there shouldn't be any problems :wink:

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:02 pm
by jdee/barc
Will you be adding any new maps?
Yes I will be making the following maps work with this mod
Bespin Escape 3.0
Scum/Strike Mustafar, Utapau, and Mygeeto
gogo12's Dagobah
Kashyyyk Beachead conversion
Majin Revan's Kashyyyk Shores (I love this map)
Jedi Temple conversion (I forgot who made this)
Chainisle by Psych0fred

I have redone many shipped maps
-Naboo Theed: only appears on CW campaign. Instant Action replaced with Naboo: Prototype conversion
-Geonosis: Spire: completely redone, uses basically the hoth terrain and there is more space for ground battle.
-Hoth: Echo Base: Redone as well. uses completley new layout,
-Rhen Var: Harbor: somewhat edited, new vehicle spawns
-Kashyyyk Docks and Islands: both use bf2 objects
-Bespin: Platforms: new vehicles, edited turrets
-YAVIN IV Arena: replaced some vehicles
All other maps are unchanged


about the filesize. I will be able to compress it greatly by making a compressed installer. then i put the installer in a 7z self-extracting archive.
so it'd be like this
all the files are archived into installer, titled: setup.exe
then, setup.exe is archived into a 7z SFX archive called "Archived_Setup.exe". that way.

In a way its an installer inside in an installer :P yo dawg, i heard you like installers, so we put an installer inside your installer so you can install while you install

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:09 pm
by bamdur123
that might work but what i have seen works is. either zip rar or 7z ur whole data folder and everythign. make that into an setup.exe
it shoudl doulbe compress but urs shoudl work too. looks cool

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:08 pm
by jdee/barc
Update. Imperials and Rebels on Rhen Var

Image1: A Katarn Armored Rebel Vanguard Destroys an Imperial RM-09 Shuttle
Image 2: a new and improved Imperial Snowtrooper (credits to ggctuk for bf2 units with kamas)
Image 3: an Snowtrooper Assault Unit
#4: A Snowtrooper Scout Unit
#5: A Rebel Jedi unit (unit select view)
#6: a rebel jedi unit destroys a group of mines with a force push.
#7: a rebel jedi blocks several shots from a shotgun as it tries to infiltrate an RM09 shuttle

I have cleaned up the Imperial units. So far only the following legions remain
-501st/default (with my custom skin)
-Cold Assault/snowtroopers
-IGF (because that was in the first edition of this mod)
-all the special classes remain as they are fill up the fifth class/replace the soldier class on maps.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:29 pm
by CommanderCody212
The jedi looks like Ben

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:43 pm
by jdee/barc
thats cuz the model was supposed to be ben... in BFX. but i pulled it from the BFX assets and made it into a jedi unit

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:32 am
by keenmike
I seen all the pictures and I read too, nice.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:13 pm
jdee/barc wrote: about the filesize. I will be able to compress it greatly by making a compressed installer. then i put the installer in a 7z self-extracting archive.
so it'd be like this
all the files are archived into installer, titled: setup.exe
then, setup.exe is archived into a 7z SFX archive called "Archived_Setup.exe". that way.

In a way its an installer inside in an installer :P yo dawg, i heard you like installers, so we put an installer inside your installer so you can install while you install

There is literaly no point in doing this. Once something is ultra compressed, you can not compress it any more. Matter of fact, doing that, you would actualy Increase you file size marginaly.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:20 pm
by jdee/barc
ok, maybe i won't do that.

I have added a new mission map called Thule: Orbital Cannon the layout is similar to Endor, except, in a Thule-ish environment.

Over vacation I will start testing out shell.lvl modding.