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Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:44 pm
by jdee/barc
you should get SWBF1

I'm experimenting with reducing the filesize of the Republic and Empire sides
-I have the regular republic sides: stock phase1 troopers, and stock BF2 troopers, Vehicles, and heroes. thats makes the rep side about 60-80 MB as a opposed to 350MB
-I have the regular Imperial Sides (stormtroopers, snowtroopers), vehicles, and heroes. that reduces imp.lvl (the side file) from 300MB to 70-100 MB.
There are several separate lvl files that each contain only textures and maybe 1 or 2 special models for each clone and stormtrooper legion. They are only textures and maybe 1 or 2 models each, so they'd be very small in terms of filesize
-501.lvl (501st legion for clones and tfu stormtroopers)
-212.lvl (212th and Imperial 212th skins. special model: commander cody for clones)
-327.lvl (327th and Imperial 327th skins. special model: bly)
-9th.lvl (Clones only 9th assault corps: special models: none)
-91st.lvl: (91st recon corps clones. special models: none)

the legions that would remain in the regular clone sides are the regular phase 1 and phase 2 troopers, galactic marines, and 41st elite (as they use stock bf2 models), and i could clean up the staggering amount of odf files i have (over 1000) in the rep side alone.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:04 pm
by CommanderCody212
Nice to know about the smaller file size. If it's ok, in your next picture update, can you show us the Jump Trooper, and Commander Cody?

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:06 am
by jdee/barc
Yes but fyi they are the same except in terms of color as their models are the same.

Ok, new model layout for Republic
Soldier: regular phase 1 model and phase 1 501st skin
heavy: phase 1 w/ arc antenna and silver color scheme
engineer: phase 1 regular
sniper: phase 1 w/ arc antenna and phase 1 501st skin
jettrooper phase 1: arc trooper w/ jet pack (by deviss rex)

phase 2 clones
soldier: a model with dual pistol holsters
heavy: ep3heavytrooper model
engineer/support trooper: ep3sniper model
engineer: ep3commander model by (repsharpshooter?)
jet trooper: default ep3jettrooper except for cody.
commanders (except cody): a player model with bly's gogs

Clone Legions Removed
Galactic Marines
Clone Legions Added
Cold Asssault Corps

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:31 am
by CommanderCody212
What do you mean by "A model with pistol holders"
What model is it?

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:16 pm
by jdee/barc
I'll show you the model when I next give a screenshots update

non-screenshots update
For the sake of balance I removed the phase 1 dark trooper as it was too strong on some maps and too weak on others

I have replaced it with a regular dark trooper unit.
Weapons: Scatter Cannon (like the rebel's shotgun, but fully automatic), arc caster, Wrist Rocket x4, Melee Attack (punches the enemy knocking them over, charge for more powerful attack). Unit can be repaired with a fusion cutter, and usually explodes upon dying

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:41 pm
by bamdur123
Very cool mod. If you need anything for these mods just ask. (AKA: New units, animations etc.)

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:46 pm
by jdee/barc
bamdur123 wrote:Very cool mod. If you need anything for these mods just ask. (AKA: New units, animations etc.)
If it's ok with you, could you send me your new unit anims if they don't crash?

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:55 pm
by bamdur123
they dont crash. im trying to implement them into a side.lvl file without changing the common.lvl tell me which animations u want and ill sned them if you know how to munge. or ill munge for u if you need

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:00 pm
by jdee/barc
bamdur123 wrote:they dont crash. im trying to implement them into a side.lvl file without changing the common.lvl tell me which animations u want and ill sned them if you know how to munge. or ill munge for u if you need
er, the animations that you have shared with us here (ie. the new standing animation) and other good ones. If any involved new lightsaber moves that would be great also. and yes, can you munge them before sending?


i have good news and bad news
the good news: I reduced the size of the mod by a lot :thumbs:
the bad news. I've had to completely restart the Imp sides as they completely crashed. :(

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:48 pm
by bamdur123
Sure. i also made a samarai sword lightsaber anim if u want il post a vid soon

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:50 am
by jdee/barc
yes that would be excellent

Ok due to the fact that I had to restart the Imperial Sides they will now be like this
AT-AT, AT-ST, IFT-T, Imperial AAT, Imperial Shuttle, TIE FIghter, TIE Bomber, Imperial LA-AT Gunship, TIE Interceptor, Speeder Bike
Stormtrooper: E-11 Blaster Rifle x500, Q4 Repeating Pistol, Thermal Detonator x2, H/A Packs x2
Shocktrooper: MiniMag PTL x7, Q4 Repeating Pistol, Concussion grenade x2, Time BOmb x2
Imperial Pilot: E-11b Blast Cannon x244, Q4 Repeating Pistol, Fusion Cutter, Thermal Detonator x2
Scout Trooper: E-11s Sniper Rifle x210, SE-14r Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonator x2, Recon Droid
Dark Trooper: E-11a Scatter Cannon, Q4 Repeating Pistol, Wrist Rocket x2, Time Bomb x2
Stormtrooper Officer (replaces officer for now): T-21 Light Repeater, Q4 Repeating Pistol, Thermal Detonator x2, MInes x2
Imperial COmmander: WESTAR-34 Blaster pistol x500, Orbital Strike, H/A Dispenser
Storm COmmando: Heavy Repeater Rifle x500, E-5i ION Mortar Launcher, Concussion Grenade x2, Remote Charges x2
Jumptrooper: E-11b Blast Cannon, EMP Launcher x6, Thermal Detonator x2, Concussion Genade x2

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:15 pm
by CommanderCody212
Ok, now this mod is one of the best mods for BF1 ever!
I am kinda glad that the Empire side crashed, because now you are adding the LAAT/I for the Empire! :atatpilot: :clone: :stormie:

Will the gunship be the same like the Republic?
Also do the gunships fire two missiles at a time instead of one at a time?

I thought the Jump Troopers had rifles, not shotguns.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:12 am
by jdee/barc
yes to your first question and I like the jumptrooper with a shotgun.

would you guys rather have
a. a flamethrower for the storm commando
b. an ion mortar cannon instead

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:55 pm
by CommanderCody212
What's a ion motor cannon?

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:16 pm
by jdee/barc
My definition is basically a grenade launcher that shoots huge "mortars" (or grenades) of electricity. I'd give the commando about 6 of them.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:01 am
by CommanderCody212
Oh ok, then go with the flame thrower.

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:46 am
by bamdur123
Ok for the animation i need you to specify which trooper isnt it. because each weaopn uses a different animation bank. example, rifle-bazooka-pistol-lightsabre etc...

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:01 am
by CommanderCody212
Will any of the Clones have a Z-6?

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:41 pm
by jdee/barc
yes clone heavy troopers have chainguns and sorry I'm keeping the ion mortars because they make gameplay more fun and balances it out more so that the Rebels don't always pwn the Imperials. I changed it a lot so now think of it more as a EMP Mortar Launcher
-cool trail and explosion
-disintegrates a unit if directly hit
-can disable vehicles PERMANENTLY until the battle is over, because the amount of electricity generated by it fries the circuts and electronics of the vehicles,which will eject the unit out of their vehicle. very deadly.
the Dark Trooper and Storm Commando will be equipped with this
Darktrooper: Ion Mortars x7, Wrist Blaster x210, Wrist Rocket, Melee Attack
Storm COmmando: Heavy Repeater x500, Ion Mortars x5, Seismic Bomb x2, Pulse Grenade x2

To balance this out the wookiees get a Radiation Guided-Bomb Launcher (RGBL) that will shoot poisonous green missiles at the enemy, except that they can't really damage or disable vehicles, but they are have the same damage to people, except that they are guideable and will follow their target
Wookiee: Bowcaster x315, RGBL x6, Claw attack, Thermal Detonator x2

and bamdur send me the following animations

and can you replace the pistol animation, with this one? I can't seem to munge animations for some reason ... 64&t=20261

Re: Battlefront 1.5

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:03 pm
by bamdur123
Reason you cant munge it is because battlefront one uses different ANIMATION names. ill get that munged for you and also last thing im going to ask about animations.

for the rifle aniamtions: what do you want changed - (stand, run(probably cant do that in xsi xd) shoot etc...

and the new rifle animation bank would be riflext

bazooka same thing new animation bank would be launcherxl (lol?idk)

light saber i think i can only change swing animation and blocking anims(which i dont think u can use in odfs)the new animation bank would be
lightSABER not sabre (again idk) pm me if you want or post here